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Posts posted by shotgunshooter

  1. Doing stupid things when your young is a learning process. The best you can hope for is that you out grow it before you really screw up. It sounds like you have your act together. :clap:

    I appreciate the advice. I'm trying to get all of the stupid out early. I feel I'm better off than many others at my age even though I do plenty of dumb things. Heck I wish there were more people my age on TGO.

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  2. What kind of fraternity are you in? Y'all don't get stupid drunk every night of the week? UTK is the school that was all over the new a few years ago for the butt chugging ordeal. I deal with Vanderbilt students every weekend and they still party hard. If what you are saying is true Im going to have to rethink my love of the movie Animal House

    I'm in a local fraternity at Bethel. I don't go to UTK. I'm not going to speak on my alleged escapades to anyone that isn't an alumni. I love Animal House and if I lived off campus my life would be quite a bit more entertaining.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  3. UT is dry,  I never saw that stop any tailgating drinking.

    Food,cornhole, frisbee, football, music, tv and satellite dish.  Just do what people do tailgating and leave the alcohol for post game I guess.

    Oh yeah, check out the pretty girls.

    Thanks for the reply. Everyone knows people drink at the games but I don't want to be encouraging that behavior on campus. Horseshoes would be another good one.

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  4. where are you tailgating and why can't you drink?

    On my college campus. Being that it is going to be me and my fraternity brothers this fall I don't want to do anything stupid on campus.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  5. It's really a joke. Nothing watching your wad or shot stream can't tell you. Only works in certain conditions IMO. I've shot them before and thought they were a waste of money. For 8+ dollars a box they're a no go. I'm sure@MP5_Rizzo could tell you more about them. I think he and his son have shot them more than I have.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  6. So, now I am curious.  I have been in and out of this forum for a while.  Don't post much--mainly just read stuff--but I cannot seem to find (when searching) the "Comms discussion".  I am aware of different "caliber masturbation" conversations, but not this particular one.  I will say I have a pretty good reason that I carry .40 most of the time--because that is what the majority of LE carries.  In studying the writings of Massad Ayoob, he suggests that people carry what local LE carries.  For me that is .40.  He says it is much easier to defend in court (if you end up there) because it is easier to argue that it is what the cops carry--and they are not out to KILL people.  I am personally concerned with defending my actions in court since it is a VERY real possibility that I will end up there after an armed encounter.  I am totally unconcerned about "caliber masturbation" as I know that they are all (for the most part) the same.  I DO believe that there are 2 which in my mind have better ballistics--.357 Sig and 10mm.  For a while I attempted to carry .357 Sig. but the ammo is SO much more expensive that I found it to be impractical.  For 10mm, the case of Harold Fish turned me off of that round for carry.  If you have not heard of Harold Fish, look him up.  Briefly, he was a retired school teacher that carried a 10mm for bear defense in Arizona.  He was attacked by a mentally ill attacker and shot and killed him.  He was convicted of 2nd degree murder because he carried the 10 mm round that is "too hot for the FBI".  His case was ultimately overturned after he spent several years in prision and spend over 1 millon dollars.  I don't have that much time or money--so I go with Massad's recommendation--carry what the local cops carry.  Again, for me that is .40

    Comms N Bombs got banned for some comments about killing protestors. He was a 10mm fanboy. I thought he was a great dude but he he would go too far in some of his comments. He liked to be confrontational and do things for the lulz.

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  7. a5c00987ac2e05190d0accb5f193df39.jpg
    This is Garry Marr's M&P. Former instructor at Tactical Response. As bad as the Gen4 finish is its still better than this. Granted he probably doesn't clean his gun like he should but the finish should hold up better.

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  8. I had a hard time adjusting to the shield's trigger after exclusively shooting Glocks. Work on the fundamentals or get some training. I'm not trying to be an ass but you'd be surprised how a little training goes a long way.

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  9. Only reason I would carry a revolver is for contact shooting. That's why I wanted one in the first place but I realized the odds of ever needing a second gun are slim to none and a shield was a lot better purchase price wise than a 642 or 340.

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  10. I really just like hearing something while I drive. I can't drive in silence and most of my new music comes from hearing it at parties and other people playing it. I'd say 60℅ of the music on my phone is for other people. I have an iPod and CDs that I have my music on.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk


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