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Posts posted by shotgunshooter

  1. So I've got some videos of the complex and some shooting. I'm gonna have to upload everything once I get decent WiFi or my data recycles. Today it rained until about 0800 and it is a mess. The grass where people drive their carts has been torn up and if it continues to rain it'll look like a pigsty.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  2. Or unable. I was lucky when I was able to buy a real pistol (had a Sunday Nght Special, ie auto not revolver) and my friend tossed in a belt and a holster. Otherwise I'd have had to make do with my Versa Carry which didn't work well with a Ruger SR9C FTR. 


    Also FTR, I'm not a bum, but while my wife makes good money, I'm a govt worker, we send our son to private school and we bought a house because it was near the in-laws (built-in babysitter for our newborn at the time) and not because it was in our price range. So a decent belt/holster was something I'd have to save for.

    I'm having a hard time believing that someone who goes out and buys a nice gun to carry wouldn't think to spend a few extra bucks on a holster. No I don't believe that this is a case of someone not being able to afford a holster but a case of laziness. It's the same as people storing mountains of ammo and thinking that if the balloon goes up they will suddenly be able to protect themselves. I deal with people like this fellow every day. Someone I know will ask me about some gun or new part and I will ask them if they have the basics for their gun. If they don't then I recommend them getting these: a set of steel sights, a holster, a mag pouch, and a good belt. I'm sorry but if you can take the time to save up for a gun then you can save up for equipment. If we want to be completely honest I usually buy the equipment before I get the gun. I'm not saying that this guy had to have brand x,y, or z to be right but if you're going to take the responsibility to carry a gun to protect others and yourself at a minimum I would say having a holster is necessary. You have no excuse for not having these things for a gun you intend to carry if you are carrying it. Your mileage may vary and that's my ever so humble opinion.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  3. Welcome back to the dark side. We have cheap ammo, mags, and a huge surplus market. Congrats on the purchase. Imports are looking like they are going to get more expensive and less available do to all the crap going on these days. Let me know how the under folder works out for you. I've always been interested in one but couldn't bring myself to get one.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

    • Like 2
  4. It can't be any worse than that crap my newer Glocks have on them.

    While the new finish is crap it's still better than my shield. I've had both guns rust. It just shows me that nothing is 100℅.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  5. I am getting more and more interested in it. I did notice that the S&W website showed this pistol to have "Armornite" corrosion resistant finish. Didn't S&W use Melonite on the regular M&P pistols ? I wonder what is different about this versus the other ?

    Hopefully it's a better finish. The finish on my shield blows as does one of my relations full size M&P.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  6. Shoot well!  Have a couple of friends from up here at Kettlefoot who are making the trip for the prelims on Wed, Thurs and Fri. Hope y'all get a break from the heat...

    Me too. It's always been brutal for me up there because there's no shade.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  7. If you haven't heard of the Grand it means you probably haven't shot a lot of trap. The Grand American is held from August 3-13, 2016. The AIM is held the week before and it lasts from July 28- August 2. I'll be up there for the whole Grand. On the off chance anyone from TGO is gonna be up there PM me and we'll get together. If not I'll be posting some pictures and videos of my adventures. Oh and I'll be doing a little shooting up there. 676e2b155fcfaf319da0c01964496329.jpg

    That's 4750 shells if you're wondering.
    • Like 3
  8. Don't personally know anything about SKD but I've yet to hear anything bad about them. Some people will say Condor will be fine if you can look at it before you buy but others say don't waste your money.  Mayflower will probably out of your price range unless you find a used one but they're built more around the ar platform than ak. Exception coming to mind being the Gen V which has inserts for 308, ar,and ak. Spiritus would be in the price range but again they don't have anything yet for AK magazines. You could probably get an HSGI AO chest rig as well under that price range. The last thing that comes to mind is the Extreme Gear Labs VOCR or the Haley Strategic chest rig, which is more or less the same thing. All of the above are also compatible with Swift Clips that you see on some plate carriers so they can be stand alone or attached directly.

    Thanks. I'm going to look at all of those. The reason I want a slick rig is so I can throw my AK micro rig, shotgun rig, or Esstac rig over the front. I'm assuming all of these carriers will have room for plates and soft armor.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  9. Yes, I  do. Spiritus Systems has a really nice looking rig that I'm going to order at some point that seems to be really modular. 

    Quality wise who's up there? I know mayflower is a big name but I will be balling on a budget when I grab some plates. I was thinking SKD or Condor to start out with. It'll be a couple months but I think I'll be in the market for something sub $150. What options would that leave me with? I am currently researching carriers.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

  10. I'm just looking for some reading material for now. I've been reading up on guerilla warfare and fourth generation warfare so this is my next stop. I'm not going to use any of these books as advice or as a substitute for proper training. I lost all of my reading material in my last move so if you can point me to PDFs or cheap books that would be great.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk


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