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Posts posted by 94user

  1. What the hell's up with TGO lately ? Too much pissing and moaning between members and members and members and moderators leads to hard feelings and the next thing you know members get banned. STOP IT PLEASE.

    I 'm sick of this. Some mods are dicks and some members are too and it seems like no one can learn where to draw the line.

    Knock off the stupidity and lets all be friends.

  2. I beleive the double tap may have been a bump fire. I was holding it really tight on a sandbag rest. It also only happened with the higher recoiling 6.8 round.The dis connector spring was never removed and it catches the hammer every time on a function check. Now that the hammer spring is in correctly I doubt I'll have anymore FTF 's.

  3. I am perplexed to say the least. Yesterday was the second timeout with my AR. Brand new DPMS AP4 5.56 and a Stag 5H 6.8 . The 6.8 was fired 15 times to sight in a scope at a 25 yard indoor range with no problems. The 5.56 was unfired until yesterday. I had two failures to fire with the 5.56 using Federal XM193F . Full primer indentation and neither round fired when i tried them again. Two rounds out of twenty. I then ran through forty rounds of American Eagle XM193C with no problems. Is this not basically the same round? I dismissed this as bad ammo .

    Now on to the 6.8 . I had four fail to fire, again with full primer indentation and three of the four did fire on a second try. This was SSA 110 Sierra pro hunter. Four out of twenty five and somewhere in the middle of this the rifle doubled . I was loading Three in the mag and the first shot fired then on the next pull of the trigger BOOM BOOM !

    This has me confused as hell. This rifle is brand new, nothing done to the trigger except a generous lube with Tetra White grease. Second time shooting it . sixty round total on the 5.56 DPMS upper, Forty total on the stag 6.8

    WTF? Got to be a problem in the FCG, or so I assume.

  4. Well today was my first day back to work since 14 Aug. After a 2 week hospital stay, weeks at home recovery and then 2 weeks of no work at the plumbing shop I was glad to to start back on a beautiful Saturday. To be honest though it would not have broken my heart to wait until Monday to go back.

  5. I'd say it is a fairly effective conspiracy considering that you've got people telling everyone else to stay away from XYZ forum. See post #1. :screwy:

    Could it be that this is an organized attack on gun-related sites that are all running older versions of Open-X ad software? Why, sure. Does that mean we should start turning against each other inside the community? Absolutely not.

    Knowing that folks here on this forum visit XDTalk I had to say something. To not have would be irresponsible. :screwy:

  6. Went to log on and the site

    had a notice about being down then windows defender caught the site attempting to download this:


    After defender removed it I did a scan with malewarebytes and it logged this:


    Database version: 4052

    Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

    Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702

    9/26/2010 8:17:41 AM

    mbam-log-2010-09-26 (08-17-41).txt

    Scan type: Quick scan

    Objects scanned: 121544

    Time elapsed: 7 minute(s), 3 second(s)

    Memory Processes Infected: 0

    Memory Modules Infected: 0

    Registry Keys Infected: 0

    Registry Values Infected: 0

    Registry Data Items Infected: 0

    Folders Infected: 0

    Files Infected: 1

    Memory Processes Infected:

    (No malicious items detected)

    Memory Modules Infected:

    (No malicious items detected)

    Registry Keys Infected:

    (No malicious items detected)

    Registry Values Infected:

    (No malicious items detected)

    Registry Data Items Infected:

    (No malicious items detected)

    Folders Infected:

    (No malicious items detected)

    Files Infected:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\0.5854435425852695.exe (Trojan.Dropper) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully.

    Gonna do a scan with Mcaffe now


  7. A $385.00 and then a $280.00 water bill ?? WTF. You either have the mother of all leaks or you are really being hosed, no pun intended by your water company. I'm sorry I didn't see this thread earlier. Like others have said, make sure you have no water running in the house at all. No open faucets, no running the washing machine, dishwasher, tub or shower. Absolutely nothing. Now look at the meter. It shoul not move at all. If it does you have a leak and for a leak of that cost you this much money you WILL see it move. I hope for your sake if you have a leak it is in the water service or the irrigation and not under the house.

    Please tell what the plumbers find.

  8. @Murgatroy - that's an asinine and completely idiotic statement. However since you must be more enlightened on technical matters concerning my server than I am, why don't you jump in and tell us how to fix it.

    I'm waiting. I mean, I really DO know what needed to be done, but why don't you fill me in.

    That or keep stupid remarks like that to yourself.

    What David said.

    I have bypassed the Google block since last Saturday and my machine has not self-destructed. If you're afraid then stay away.

  9. PICT0002Medium2.jpg

    I have had this since 2001. 71 gr FMJ. Been in the gun cabinet ever since. Free to anyone who wants it but you have to either pick it up at my home or meet me near my home in Millington. That pretty much limits it to Shelby/ Tipton county . First to PM me has dibbs. I also plan on being at the Memphis TGO meet this Saturday at Range USA if anyone that wants it can come and get it there.


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