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Posts posted by 94user

  1. Glad you're ok man! Don't judge North by some of our average clients lol we have a great staff of nurses and doctors and I'll make sure you stay safe while you're there!

    LOL. I'm sure MN is a fine hospital. It just seemed like good common sense not to go into the Raleigh area at 2:30 AM while I was too sick to defend myself!

  2. I started having stomach pains the morning of Aug 15. Not real bad at first but by late evening I knew something was seriously wrong. I began to worry that I had appendicitis. Had to have the wife drive me to St Francis E.R. in Bartlett. Methodist North is closer to home but there was no way I was gonna go there, not with the people I saw in that E.R. waiting room last time I was there.

    E.R. doc also suspected appendicitis but it turns out we were both wrong. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and there was a large abscess on my bowel. After many doses of antibiotics and 10 days of being fed through an I.V. , no real food at at all the abscess drained itself into my bowels and they let me go after being sure I could eat a soft diet. I'm going to need a colonoscopy in mid Oct and the doc told me to be prepared to have that section of bowel removed because he believes it will cause me more trouble in the future.

    Man this sucks but at least I,m still here above ground.

  3. I prefer my guns new from the shop or like new. I don't trust people to maintain their guns like I do. I am very anal about my guns.

    This is the best advise I've seen on this thread. the only way I'd buy a used firearm is from a gunshop that will give you a warranty or from someone I trust.

  4. Looks like there is strong support for this. I'm still too much of a newbie to approach David with this idea. If one of you more senior members could do so it may help.

    We can always ask. All he would do at the worst is say no.

  5. I've seen a lot of threads this past week about AR's including one of my own. I'm thinking it would be a good thing for TGO folks to trade info , share opinions and preferences about thier black rifles.

    If this has been brought up before I apologize but I'd rather get info and opinions here than on Ar-15.com.

  6. GOT IT !!! Not the Bushmaster terget model though. I got a DPMS AP4. And I just ordered a removeable rear sight so I can play with it without the carry handle. Now I need to save up for a new upper with a target barrel and a good scope.

    Good grief, the things I get myself into.

  7. I can buy in long guns neighboring states and some times do in Kentucky but you probably can not buy one in Ohio if you live in Tennessee. I think that is a federal law. You can probably have it transferred to a FFL in state and pick it up there.

    The clerk told me it was legal as it was a rifle and not a handgun. I'm thinking if he was wrong the NICS wpuld have issued a denial, not a delay but I have been wrong before.

  8. Tried to get one today. I'm in Ohio on vacation so it went through the NICS. They put a delay on the sale. WTH? I'm clean as they come. It's a Bushmaster Target model A3 NIB for $700

  9. He forgot to use the word 'radical'. I's been all right to say that radical muslims and radical Islam is the enemy. Has any politician been blaster for using the term Islamo-facist ?

    Screw politically correctness. What about my feelings? I'm deeply offended by people that get offended at the drop of a hat. Poor me.


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