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Posts posted by FUJIMO

  1. Local news has been running "how to survive during cold weather" segments for the last couple days. If you ain't learned by now.....

    full house youre in big trouble mister GIF

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 20 minutes ago, Camaroman said:

    I have a Mossberg 930 12 gauge for sale. I purchased this new as an SPX, though I don’t see SPX branded on it anywhere.

    As previously stated, I bought this new from Dicks Sporting Goods and have never fired it. I have loaded and unloaded rounds into the tube and chamber while function testing the shotgun. However, the gun has never been carried or shot, only sat in the safe since I’ve owned it.

    Any blems are from movement around other weapons in the safe. I can send additional pics if needed.

    I’m live in Campbell County and work in Oak Ridge and can meet for a face to face.




    My eyes are hurting trying to find the price 😁

    • Like 3
  3. 13 minutes ago, Erik88 said:


    Do they have Calhoun's in middle TN? I try to avoid going there at all costs. The owner does not have a great reputation and the food hasn't improved since the 90's. 

    This bigly☝️

  4. 10 hours ago, MacGyver said:

    I guess I’ll call myself thankful to get to spend a few  days and share a meal with people that I truly love.

    My mom has a habit of buying people presents that are things they’d never buy for themselves.  I asked her about it one time and she said, “you and your sister are productive members of society.  You never call and say the kids are going hungry or we’re going to lose the house or anything like that. I’m glad to get the chance to do something nice.”

    I recognize that’s a privilege a lot families may not have - for a whole lot of reasons. Life is complicated sometimes. But, that’s something that I’ve tried to incorporate into my own life.  Sometimes it’s nice to do something really nice for someone with no expectation of them doing anything in return. 

    I've found its very therapeutic for me to practice this year round.

    • Like 5
  5. 7 hours ago, Erik88 said:

    I'm glad I'm not alone. I told my wife that next year we've got to limit gifts to a few people. It's gotten out of hand. If it's creating anxiety then we've lost the point of Christmas. 

    I started Pavlovs dog about 7 years ago. It worked wonders 😆

  6. 1 hour ago, Erik88 said:

    Am I the only one that gets more anxiety than joy this time of year? Every year we spend ridiculous amounts of money buying presents for other people. This year we're even buying presents for my wife's family that hasn't come to see us since 2015. My wife drives to see them in Ohio 1-2 times/year. Christmas is supposed to be about spending time with people and instead has turned into a spending binge. Something tells me Jesus would not have cared for rampant consumerism.

    Someone help me be less of a Grinch. 


    hate grinch GIF




    If I didn't know better I'd swear you've got a Google type bug on my phone 🤣




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