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Posts posted by conn_air7

  1. Chattanooga recently changed some of the "regulations" they have, but parking should still be free on the weekends (if you find a meter). Terminal is a great choice, but a little far from the aquarium. I recommend World of Beer or Taco Mac which are both within walking distance. However, if you branch out and decide to go a little out of walking distance, try Treemont Tavern for a killer burger or Main Street Meats.

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  2. a54ed321492a15725872478057cf6566.jpg

    No I think this one was yours...

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    For the sake of humanity I hope this was a joke. I saw this a while back and literally laughed out loud.

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  3. a54ed321492a15725872478057cf6566.jpg

    No I think this one was yours...

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    For the sake of humanity I hope this was a joke. I saw this a while back and literally laughed out loud.

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  4. If that's a joke I don't find it too funny. If your serious than if you have a wild animal that the state has an open season on as a pet and don't keep control of take care of better that is whats going to happen.

    it's tapatalks fault

    Clearly a joke, I'm an avid deer hunter and see plenty of them every year. Sorry you didn't like my humor.

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  5. Don't let them mess with you....I own two glocks but love my shield 9mm...switch between carrying the shield and a glock 42....the glock 42 is easy to carry in a pocket!

    Oh trust me it doesn't bother me haha, I absolutely love my Glock. Look forward to having something new and experiencing something a little different though.

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  6. I paid 326 shipped to my local gun dealer, so after background check and transfer fee of $40 I will be in the gun $366 total. That's a great buy from what I have been looking at.

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  7. I think you made a wise choice that you won't regret. You may like the M&P platform so much that you sell that ugly Glock 19 and go with a full size M&P. :)

    Watch your mouth sir... Hahaha

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  8. Bit the billet on the shield last night, slick guns had it for $326 brand new. Thanks for all the suggestions, I will be keeping those in mind for the future.

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  9. Oh and to add: Royal Range in Nashville is doing a $350 in store special on Shields tomorrow

    ETA: Have to show one of the flyers from their FB page


    Wish I lived Nash, I'm around Chattanooga [emoji22]

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  10. mm glock is like another glock :) They sort of have a unique grip angle and overall frame shape and a weird trigger, nothing else is really identical. The closest non-glock that is easier to carry would be shield, IMHO, someone already said that.

    If you are on a budget, avoid 380. The ammo costs almost twice as much for half the power, just get a 9mm. 380 reloads sweet, if you get into that, but buying it sucks.

    Thanks for the advice, that's exactly why I went with G 19 for first handgun.

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  11. Sorry for not elaborating, was just looking for ideas. I'm looking for something similar to the Glock. I don't have a preference really, 9mm, .45, .380, anything really. Something that's a comfortable carry. I usually prefer semi-auto, not looking for a revolver of any kind.

    Ultimately, I'm looking for a reliable semi-auto pistol that will treat me well for under $350.

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  12. So basically, you don't want to pony up for even a 6 mth membership in order that you can post in the correct place (WTB/WTS/etc) and this is a way of skirting around it.

    I can see a thread about what to buy, but you crossed the line when you ask what people here may have for sale.

    Real smooth.

    I am relatively new to this forum, why be disrespectful to somebody for no reason? We are here to help each other out are we not?

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  13. I just recently bought a G 19 for my first carry gun. I love it and enjoy it very much. However, I am looking for my 2nd pistol now, so I am in need of some opinions. This time I'm on a budget, so I'd like to be under $350. Please shoot me any opinions on good guns for that price, or anything you might want to sell, thanks.


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    Do not post WTB ads outside of the classifieds

  14. The officer said he witnessed him coming out of the store with a handgun. That makes the stop and the disarming lawful. Period. In this case, the HCP is irrelevant and carrying in/on a vehicle being legal is irrelevant.

    I was saying that IF the officer had not seen the rider with the handgun away from his bike, and had only witnessed the handgun while the rider was on his bike, then the disarming would have possibly been unlawful. I see no allowance for it within the TCA. The stop would have still been lawful if the plates were indeed partially obscured, but that's definitley fishing.

    All in all, everything done was lawful, but as Clod Stomper said, it was a dick move for both the stop and the snatch-n-grab. The rider took his sweet time getting on his bike and leaving. If the officer had suspicion he had robbed the place because he came out with his helmet on, that long process of mounting up and riding off slowly while other customers continued to come in and out of the store should have dispelled that.

    100 percent agreed

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  15. You got it right. In the car (or on a motorcycle) is an exception, not a defense. In that regard, it's exactly like driving a motor vehicle. One can not be lawfully stopped for that reason only. There also appears to be no lawful basis for disarming a person who is lawfully carrying in/on their vehicles, except for HCP holders. In the video, had the officer only seen the firearm while the rider was on his bike ("partially obsured plates" aside) it would have been an unlawful stop as no law was broken by carrying while on the bike. It would have also been an unlawful disarming IF the officer at that time had no knowledge of the rider having an HCP. Running the plates would probably show it, so he could have known there was an HCP.

    However, since he witnessed the rider armed away from the motorcycle, 39-17-1307 was violated. That gives cause for both the stop and the disarming.

    But wait, the officer pulled him over for an obstructed license plate. IF it was really obstructed, how'd he run his plate?? If the officer couldn't read his plate, he wouldn't have known he had an hcp (making the disarming portion of stop unlawful). Also, if he could read the license plate (meaning it's probably not obstructed) and did know he had an hcp, the cop pulled him over for the sole reason of having a gun (also making this stop unlawful). Just food for thought, very interesting situation.

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  16. Much like many others who have already posted, I think the LEO could have handled the situation a little better. Here are my compressed thoughts:

    1. I would be taken a little off guard by being disarmed the way he was.

    2. It is 100 percent unsafe to put any gun in your back pocket (ESPECIALLY GLOCKS) (assuming that's where the cop put it).

    3. The cop has 2 different stories. I have a hard time believing he pulled him over for the license plate. The LEO made it very clear that it was more about the gun than the license plate.

    4. The cop was not mean, nor was he mistreating the rider. Also, the rider did a GREAT job handling a very strange situation and I commend him for that.

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