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Posts posted by gary_boom

  1. Two friends and I drove down from Kingsport and had a great time. We have shot in Bristol Va.,Greenville Tn., and Boone Nc. Oak Ridge has the best lay out, good parking, easy to get to by road, all bays close together and no steep hills. The match was well ran with very little waiting for the next stage. We will try to get back in March and If the weather is good I would bet over 100 shooters will show up.

  2. I had one of the earlier ones and the frame broke near the left rear corner. Taurus replaced the frame. The millenium pros are made a little different.

  3. TAC 2 is not shooting on the first Saturday for a couple of months this winter. Second Saturday is still on. Dr. Bryant also teached several handgun classes that are more advanced than the concealed carry classes. IDPA is also shot near Bristol Va. at Kettlefoot Gun club on the 4th Saturday. TAC2 is the web site with link to Kettlefoot.

  4. I am considering trying an IDPA competition in the future. We have them once monthly here in town and I would like to see if I would enjoy it. I have read some of the rules and would like to find out some of what I could expect,(number of targets during a shoot, distance, I'm sure that there are one hand only and weak hand only portions.) I don't expect to be competitve right away, but I think it would be a more interesting type of target practice.

    Also, what type of entry fees can I expect. This is in Oak Ridge at ORSA.:D

    I suggest going and watching the first gun round and shooting second gun


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