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Posts posted by LangdoniousRex

  1. On 5/25/2024 at 7:04 AM, Darrell said:

    That's one thing about technology that bugs me.... it causes irretrievable failures in things that would otherwise work forever. I'm old, so I didn't grow up with things like built-in range finders, but I'd rather have my scope just be a scope.  Same with other stuff, too. I don't want fancy electronic displays in my car, because I keep my cars a long time and I suspect those displays are going to fail long before the engine will, and that the parts will be unavailable in ten years. 

    This is by design. It's called engineered obsolescence. 

  2. I get that retail space isn't always easy to come by but it continues to amaze me how many gun stores are in traditional retail spaces with large panes of glass at the front that, even with security screens, are easily compromised. Especially being in the firearms business, security should be a higher priority. Security complacency is rampant all over many sectors and all it takes is one incident and when that complacency is visually obvious, it makes you a more likely target.

    • Thanks 1
  3. The ATF trick is a hail mary. If the valvetrain is smoked, no snake oil is going to fix the problem. If you go forward with throwing ATF in, you only need to warm it up and drive a couple miles to see if anything changes. Also be prepared to change the oil immediately, if by some miracle it clears it up. The drop in viscosity from the ATF isn't good for the motor long term.

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  4. Making these in a 43/x is kinda silly since it's a micro carry size. If you peek for a split second, everyone's eyes will be fixated on it. 

    If it were a 19, you could use as a "look at me" piece at the range. Also, if it were a 19, we'd be making a deal. Big fan of orange.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

    I hope XAI will have armed security. 🥴

    They will be armed enough to perform a third world coup.

    Switch datacenters have gov't contracts out the wazoo. They hire ex-military for security staff and outfit them accordingly. AR15s, shotguns, body armor, riot shields, Humvees, etc, etc. They have express permission from Uncle Sam to take fuel, at gunpoint if needed, to keep their generators running in the event they lose power. Those boys love making that known to those of us that go through their security clearance briefing to gain access to a particular site. 

    Knowing ole Musky, xAI will have gov't contracts and be afforded similar liberties.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Pain103 said:

    Just remember lying to a federal government official is a federal crime that can receive up to 5 years in prison. Not giving advice here but if I had a fed do a knock and talk, as soon as they identified themselves, I would say I have nothing to say please leave my property and close the door. 

    Refer to Step 1

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Defender said:

    You guys on TGO just won’t quit, will ya?  Here I am trying to downsize my gun collection and between you and my LGS, I keep adding to it! Now I want one of these guns.  Will it never end? Sheesh!  Maybe there’s a 12 step program for gun owners?

    Join Us Mystery Science Theater 3000 GIF by MOODMAN

    • Haha 5


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