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Lifetime Benefactor
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Posts posted by LangdoniousRex

  1. My lifetime EHCP should be in the mail any day now. Training class reminded me of others that I've taken in the past but there was plenty of new information, TN specific and universal, that was good to brush up on. Even if laws aren't changing, how they are interpreted and enforced does change regularly so getting a current understanding of that was valuable. Even though it's not a requirement, I would consider taking a similar class again in 5-8 years simply to get up-to-date. The classes are cheaper than lawyer time and you get some range time along with getting learnt real good. 

    You can get the 8 year permit for $100, training was $80 so for the cost of a Hi-Point you too could save yourself some grief later if you plan to EDC. 


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  2. There's no money in it doing it legally. The alternative would get you Bryan Malinowski'd. 

    Even if you keep it legal and undercut every step of the way, most people are cheap and don't see the value in such a service. The rest will pay more and buy locally if they really want it. 

  3. There is a lot of blame of the financial system and government when, ultimately, the responsibility is of the individual. Most people have no clue what "living within their means" actually means. They think that Starbucks, McDonalds, Chipotle, Doordash, Uber Eats, etc, etc, are mandatory requirements in their lives and there is no way to convince them otherwise. They think they would rather be homeless than to give up any takeout food or drink, that's the level of delusion they are at. 

    The modern credit system as we know it has been around for over 40 years. Payday loans at least 20 years that I know of. The interest rates are right there in the paperwork the individual signs. It's pretty basic math. Plenty of time and opportunity to educate but based on the spending habits of average Americans, that education may as well not exist. 

     If people actively choose to be debt slaves then that is their choice. I seem to remember a time when actions had consequences but the more days go, that concept seems to be going the way of the dodo bird.

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