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Posts posted by Motasyco

  1. From Armslist.


    I am wanting to sale $2,000 worth of my Walmart ammo. Mostly 22.'s 9.'s 40.'s and 45's. You know you can double your money. 3,250 is 22.'s. BULK RATE ONLY. DO NOT CALL IF YOU DON'T HAVE $2,000. I have receipts. All ammo is about 6 months old


    hehehehe. guess someone isn't having any luck selling their ammo.


    I don't do business with anyone that doesn't understand the difference between "sale" and "sell" or I'd be all over this.


    OK, not really.

    • Like 1
  2. I bought Chrysler products, many Dodge, almost exclusively for most of my life.  Probably the result of the pleasure I experienced owning a number of Mopar muscle cars from the 60s of 70s.  I drove the same Dodge 4wd pickup for over 20 years.


    In 2006, I was looking for a new car.  The first place I went was the Dodge dealer.  I'd never had any experience with a dealer acting like they weren't interested in making a sale.  I kept getting passed from one sales person to another before anyone would even talk to me.  When I finally got a guy to walk out on the lot with me, he showed me the sticker price of the car I was interested in, walked away and went to lunch.  I got into the Chrysler I was driving at the time, and left.


    Next stop, the Ford dealer.  Long story short, I've been very happy with the two Fords I've owned since.  Never been back to a Chrysler product dealer.  Don't expect to. 

  3. I can make Italian food, Mexican food, Chinese food, Spanish food, even New England clam chowder, all in my kitchen in Tennessee.  If I had a recipe, I'll bet I could also prepare Amish food.  Unfortunately, Amish in the name doesn't necessarily mean it was made by an Amish person any more than New England clam chowder is only made by someone in New England.  The "Homemade" on the label I may consider questionable though. 

  4. From my experience, there are more bad mechanics out there than there are good ones.  I don't enjoy doing my own repairs but I don't trust anyone else to do it right.  In fact, it seems it's nearly impossible to get anyone to do a good job with anything any more.

  5. I'd go separate.  In fact, I'd probably get the modem from Comcast.  If there are modem issues, they're Comcast's.  If you own the modem and it has issues, they're yours.  All assuming the proper quality of signal is there.  Of course, I don't know if Comcast charges for the modem.  That is a consideration.  I know of other providers that provide the modem as part of the service.  There's good advice on routers in previous posts. 

    • Like 1
  6. On Fox News live...Gun violence.  Of course, it's still the gun's fault.  No blame for the person holding the gun.


    In my mind violence is violence.  The gun is just a tool.  How can people believe there would be no violence if there were no guns.  The world was a violent place before guns existed.  Violence is historically part of human behavior.  Just to hear Obama say the words "gun violence" irritates me.  OK, just to hear his voice irritates me.  Blame and finger pointing is his way of communicating.  Redirecting responsibility.  Except for killing Osama.  You'd think he did that all by himself.


    I'm sure all of this has been said here before but seeing him spewing his bs on TV just got my blood boiling.  Rant off.  I'm better now.  

    • Like 4


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