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Posts posted by Motasyco

  1. Ghost peppers, ha.  This looks like serious business.  That stuff should probably be applied with an eyedropper and it looks like one comes with the bottle.  I'll have to pick up a bottle. It shouldn't be too hard to find.  It appears to be made just over on the other side of town.  Thanks for the tip!  

  2. There not on the site as far as I know, they just got them this week. Supposedly they have 400+ in stock with more coming every day.

    Atlanta now has Gen4 Glock 22's and SWAT has 21's.


    I guess I'll resort to the old fashioned method.  I'll call them on Monday. 

  3. A short 20 minute drive to my property in Grainger County puts me in my woods where I feel indescribably peaceful.  It's great therapy.  And, if I've had enough peace, I can start shooting.  Also great therapy.  Even working on the property is relaxing.  I just can't get that same relaxed feeling at home.  I guess I just like trees better than neighbors.

  4. I have never shot a bobtail, but I have been enamored with them since I first saw one. I will get one and shoot it and like everything else, of I don't like it I will pass it on.

    The only way this itch is gonna get scratched is to buy one and get to shootin :D




    If you happen to be around the Morristown / Bean Station area sometime, I'd be happy to let you run a few rounds through my DW CBOB. 

  5. I'll go out on a limb here and say that my dogs are cleaner than many people I see at Walmart.  


    And I have always been completely disgusted by the fools who let people lick their face.  And also those who don't wash after shaking hands or worse, using the bathroom next to other filthy critters. Being that ignorant of cleanliness just strikes me as a little... kooky. Just me, though.


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