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Posts posted by jeremy155rr

  1. should i know what any of this means??? enlighten me plz...never heard of it...

    I bought a ventrilo server.

    Host Name: krypton.typefrag.com

    Port Number: 42181

    Ventrilo - Download

    It is a free voice communication program. I can walk you through using it the first time if you need help. It saves the info so you only have to do it once.

  2. tried starting a private match amd sending invites last night, dont think that works though. i did goto my friends list and right click on a name that was playin multiplayer and was able to join the game they were in. i guess if you want a private match it has to be more organized....dunno exactly yet. dont think i'll be home tonight, if i am i'll be on around 11:30 or so.

  3. it seems i read somewhere that people can't host games etc... making 'clan' play virtually impossible. i'm not at home right now but could have swore i saw a 'private match' thing in the multiplayer menu...couldnt we all just do one of those???

  4. let me clarify... forgot his tgo name but someone posted in another thread about a tgo steam group they started, i don't know what it would do exactly though. you can change your name in steam, i did it the other day. i'll change it again and put a nifty little -TGO- tag on the front of it.

  5. keep the thread from getting too confusing... i'd like to get some games going with people from tgo, dont know much about the stuff though, haven't done much online gaming since counter-strike. Tried joining that steam group...do you have to sign in on steam first??? just kept reloading the page everytime i hit join group

  6. I'm in a little hot water here, while on an outing my wifes d60 fell out of the car onto the ground while under my care:death: it has no visible damage to it what-so-ever but will not turn on... everyone has said it just has to be sent back to nikon, could take forever and they could charge out the wazoo. any suggestions?

  7. personally I wouldn't use anyone over $30 total, in other words $20 for the transfer plus the $10 for the tics. I used to use a pawn shop in Maryville, and it was $25 total, but I was in a hurry to find one when I ordered my last gun and they weren't listed on gunbroker anymore so I just used Farnsworth... where its $30 total btw. That pawn shop was great, it was in the everett/eagleton area if that helps anyone, can't remember the name... they didn't even open the box until it was time to check and see if it was the right gun (while I was there), thought that was nice of them. If I could re-phrase the first half of the first sentence... I would find the cheapest deal, thats the most convenient for me to use at the time... I wouldn't just not use an establishment because it was $35, I'm just a cheapskate :shake:

  8. i've always loved the looks of the m1a, but if i ever bought it it would be a luxury item...isn't it more expensive by about 1k??? the base models are around 1k if i'm not mistaken, and their long range shooters are in the 3 to 5k range (buyers guide prices). the m21 is super BA but weighs a ton!


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