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Posts posted by Parrothead

  1. i went with a Centurion by liberty. Price was right (~$400) and it seems to be pretty solid. I think it would stop most but not all. It weighs in around 360 lbs empty. In addition to that, its mounted in a closet. This means they would have to find the safe, penetrate it, and make the haul without the dogs chewing on them and the alarm going off 30 sec after entry. I feel ok about it. I only worry when i am out of town for a extended period of time

  2. i carry the G26 and have no complaints. Like previously mentioned, try the gun without a extension before purchasing a spot for your pinky to land. When i got my 26, i had the gun store add extensions (no extra rounds, just plastic on the bottom of the mag) to both magazines. After purchasing some more mags, i found i shoot this gun MUCH better without the extension. It will feel strange at first. However, you will get used to it in a short amount of time.

  3. I am 90% sure Erik is correct. DON'T GO TO IL. Anyway to re-route your trip? I would hate for one state to break my ability to carry for the entire trip. After some of the stories i have heard about IL ( may or may not be 100% true) i would not feel good about transporting a unloaded handgun through the state. If you do, research it well and carry a copy of the info you gathered in the vehicle with you just in case.

  4. Five kinds of hell you say. Man, that must have been pretty bad. :eek:

    Never heard that phrase before.

    Well, you are certainly a better man than me.

    Agreed.......this kind of post makes me want to drive to G&L just to make a purchase. With the cost of fuel, it would cost me more than a local vendor. However, i put a high value on customer service. Daniel (who i have never met) is going above and beyond anything i would expect. Kudos to him and his business

  5. My HCP and DL dont match because i changed the address online. When i was stopped, i informed the officer (as a courtsey) that i had a HCP and i was armed. He said "don't touch it and it won't be a problem." After running the info in the cruiser, he came back and asked if i was living at the address listed on the DL. I said yes and explained the situation. He said it wasn't all that uncommon and it had been covered in their training. Sent me on my way. No problems. However, if you don't inform them i could see why they might make a few calls if they had any doubt on the legality of the issue.

  6. I have just recently caught the long gun sickness. I have acquired 7 in the last 6 months. Anyway, all of them have iron sights. My last purchase was a budget .22 (mossberg 709.) I wanted something cheap i could take to the range and let my buddies shoot without worrying about wear and tear. So, i would like to put a scope on this little guy. I dont want to hang a $200 scope on a $100 rifle (think $5,000 rims on a 1993 skylark.) Any suggestions on a decent scope for punchen' holes in paper at the range? I'd say 100 yards is the max i would care to shoot this .22

    Thanks for the help


  7. Outback is managed by the same group as Carrabas. In the past, i have noticed the B.S. sign stating "we respect your right but we dont allow firearms in this establishment." The one at the outback in J.C. was on the exterior wall to the right hand side of the front door. While this isn't a "legal" posting i stopped going there based on the principle. I would like to know for sure if that sign is gone. I will check next time i run to sam's and post the results asap

  8. I have a G26. I recently purchased a 17 magazine for range use. I am looking for the extender that fills the void between the bottom of the grip and the longer magazine. I found mixed reviews on the A&G spacers. Whats your opinions. Feel free to suggest other brands and TGO sponsors that sale this product. Thanks

  9. The wife and I get gift certificates from discover every month we love going to Carrabba's for dinner. I knew they were operated by the same group that manages bonefish grill and outback (which posted locally last yr.) I have checked on every visit over the last few months and Carrabba's has never been posted (or i missed it.....possible reason will follow.)

    So i go in tonight...check the door and surrounding windows-- no sticker or signage of any type. So i proceeded...concealed. Because we had to wait for a table, i had time to look around for a while. On a interior wall i noticed a small sign that stated "We respect the rights of our customers but unfortunately we do not allow weapons in this establishment." That might not be exact wording but pretty darn close. This was posted in the same area has tax info, health department score, and a large number of other certificates and such.

    Basically, I would like to know if this is a legal posting or not? Regardless, i wont be back and i will contact the manager via email tonight to share my opinions (respectfully of course.)

    Thanks for the help.....

    BTW....managers name is John Fackler and his email address is ca9305@carrabbas.com :death:


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