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Posts posted by Bubba0031

  1. The "Sunshine" law and open records law advocates are out of control. Not only is my name and adress available via the HCP data base but since I am a public employee, I work for the municipal goverment, my personnel file is a public document. If a disgruntled citizen decides he or she wants my home address they can obtain it under freedom of information. :D

  2. I can't address the Mazda or the referenced dealer but I can tell you that when we purchased my wife's CRV we started out looked at a late model used certified car at a local Honda dealer. To get to the point I ended up buying a new one from another dealer for slightly less than dealer #1 wanted for the certified car. Don't know if that info is of any value to your sitution but I guess my point is that it's really difficult to determine a value for a used vehicle but at the same time purchasing one is smart in that it doesn't lose value instantly due to new car depreciation.

    Good Luck

  3. Assuming the Hot Dog is cooked either in hot water or on the grill then it could be served at a temp high enough to cause a burn therefore the choking waring should be expended to add a burn hazard clause and then of course if you drop it on the floor steping on it could cause you to slip and fall so it should able be labeled as a trip hazard and also ....etc, etc. ;):blah::D is there no end? The warning label will be bigger than the package.

  4. I got HBO back in 01 (I think) and the only reason I did was to be able to see Band of Brothers. I kept it but probably don't watch it enough to pay for it but now at least I'll get some use out of it. ;)

  5. Anyone thowing out trash in general makes me boil. :doh: My parents live on a major 4 lane highway (Kingston Pike in Knoxville) and it's amazing the amount of trash we pick up out of the yard each week. One thing that really gets me is seeing someone open their car door at a traffic light and dump their ash tray. :bat:


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