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Posts posted by Spiffy

  1. I ordered the kit for my USP 45 and I'm not sure what weight I got it at since I used the factory return spring and hammer spring. The other combos wouldn't fire but the trigger felt "better". I love my LEM it freaked out 2 friends who came to shoot the other day. They told me something was wrong with my HK. I told them naw its just a Heckler and Glock now....... they didn't find that funny LOL.

  2. I remember the debate I had with good Christian church going women at my church over guns in bars. They didn't want to take their family out to eat where someone might be carrying a gun........ and I said but you will take your family and small children somewhere with an Open Bar and a bunch of drunks whooping it up?

    It sounds a lot like these people.

  3. I am thinking about having my FAL cut to 17 3/4 to 18 inches from the 22 inches it is now. I would also like to get a folding hinge tapped and a flash hider and barrel extension permed on a Draco. Anyone got a good recommendation for a smith who does good work but doesn't take forever to get done.

  4. How is it a troll post? It is the most glossed over aspect in books and movies. Sure you see them hold their hand over their nose and mouth like someone broke wind but nothing like tears welling up in the eyes and puking. However like all scents your brain blocks it out after a while. Olfactory fatigue (spelling??) would kick in and you wouldn't notice it but I think it would take while. I know the smell of a dead animal can get pretty bad when you can't find it to bury it or get rid of it.

  5. Yep, that's the barrel length, which is the legal minimum. Yes, around 17.5" total. looks like an M4 profile on the barrel.

    There... didn't take you long to talk yourself out of a pinned flash hider. MOST free float handguards require you to remove the gas block to install them. The only way to remove the gas block is to remove the flash hider too. Removing a pinned flash hider is a gun smithing job. Personally, I absolutely hate the fat cheap hanguards that come with most uppers. Drop 28 bucks on one of these...

    MOE Handguard AR-15

    It is set up to mount small rail sections where you want them. Mounting a light is easy. The ergos are great, especially compared to the cheesey one.

    BTW, the MOE handguard just snaps on. I can change one out in 5 minutes or less

    That is why I ordered my BCM with the DD Lite 12 rail on it already.

  6. I was under the impression they were migratory and you needed the Fed stamp?


    Word! I'm nation wide with this one and Jeep decals................. Anyone know how I can wrangle an Emergency tag for the jeep? LOL


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