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Posts posted by MphsTiger1981

  1. Occupy an independently owned coffee shop because you think the owner is one of the 1%? How freakin' out of touch are these knuckle draggers? That said, half of the folks that go into a Starbucks every morning near me are doing the same thing. They go in, order one cup of coffee and maybe a danish and then set up their office complete with laptop and cell phone, and proceed to sit there for hours at a time.

  2. I've had two of the full size RIA GI models and loved them. Both of them ate every type of ammo I fed them and were more accurate than I ever could be. I thought the triggers were fine for my purposes, but then again, I'm no 1911 aficionado. If I was going to drop a grand on one, as much as I like the RIAs, I'd probably go with a used Colt full size and maybe spend some money to get it professionally tuned. Just my $.02.

  3. I owned the PF9 and my brother in law has the Ruger LC9. The Ruger seems to have less perceived recoil to me personally, and it has a little more finished look to it. The Kel-Tec was a good gun, but just a tad too big for pocket carry, and I just never felt comfortable with it on a belt holster when I had larger guns with more capacity that fit the same niche.

    I would also make sure the O/P is aware that Kel-Tec has changed its program and is only giving warranty repair service to the original buyers of their guns. This is a pretty drastic change from years past, when they never asked if you were the original owner or not. That being said, the little guns are pretty easy to work on and if you have problems, they will mail you the parts you need to fix it yourself. Not many gun makers that will do that these days.

  4. I have owned several of the little Kel-Tec pistols and I also echo what the previous posters all say about their customer service. I've had several that were good to go out of the box, some needed tweaking with parts mailed to my home from the factory (what other gun manufacturer will do that these days?).

    As suggested above, KTOG is a great place to start and go to the P3AT sub-forums and read some of the current threads and perhaps do a search on "failure to extract". What Jonnin suggested also will help and that is if yours has the hex head bolt on the right side of the slide, double check to make sure its good and tight. That bolt holds in the firing pin, the extractor spring and extractor, so if it is loose, it can reek havoc on the reliability of the small guns. Have you ever done a "fluff and buff" on the gun? If not, how many rounds do you think you have in it?

    If all else fails, before you mail it in to them, why not pick up the phone and talk to the folks in Customer Service? They are very friendly and very familiar with the guns. I doubt you've got a problem they've never heard of, or run into before. Don't give up on the gun. They are really pretty good for what they were designed to be, a small very concealable, get off of me pistol. I've had really good luck with them and would not hesitate to buy another. Many folks swear by them, and some swear at them. Hope you become one of the former. Good luck.

  5. If that kid is representative of a large percentage of young people in this country, I just became a Ron Paul

    supporter. If there are enough thinkers in that age group it could make a differnce, but if Ron Paul goes

    third party all is lost. Obama by default. It still is a lot to overcome.

    Sorry, but I didn't know Savage still had a radio show here in our area. I guess they moved him on later in the night, to just before the show where people call in to talk about their Alien abductions and encounters.

    The kid appears to be relatively intelligent and speaks well explaining why he prefers his guy over Newt and Mitt. I guess the question is, will the younger generation that voted so heavliy for BO, get behind Ron Paul in this election? In other words, will RP become the next "Hope and Change"? Should be interesting.

  6. I'm now having trouble with my LCP. Worked great for 100s of rounds, then I started getting FTF. Between live fire/ dry fire practice I had probably cycled the slide well over 1000 times, so I ordered a new 9# spring from Ruger. Problem was solved briefly, and then at today's range session I was having problems with the gun when I fired it one handed.

    One round in chamber, 5 in magazine. Gun goes bang, then FTF on the very next round. It did this every single magazine of PMC Round nose ammo. (This ammo has worked up until recently in the gun). The nose of the bullet is getting hung up at the bottom of the ramp. Pulling the slide back and releasing chambers the round no problem. (Also, I fired two magazines of Hornady Critical Def, and had 0 issues. The shape of the bullet nose allows it to feed more easily I believe. One magazine was fired at the beginning of the range session, the next was after several magazines of round nose were giving me issues).

    I did some testing and fired with a 2 handed grip, and had no problems with the PMC ammo. I honestly don't think I can grip the gun any tighter with my one hand - and I never had problems before with shooting one handed. (Maybe my technique does need some help one handed ....).

    (Could there be an issue with me leaving the gun loaded for a month at a time before firing it?) The one thing that is good is that I've never had any kind of malfunction with the Hornady Critical Defense, and I've probably fired close to 150 of those rounds through the gun throughout its life (almost 1 year).

    Long story long, I ordered some of the wolff springs a while back, and I think I'm gonna try the 11# or even 13# spring and see if that makes a difference. If not, I may have to ship it back to Ruger. I do make sure to clean the feed ramp very carefully. I'm using FP-10 oil. The gun is my primary carry so I need it to work!!!

    I will post back here after my next range session with the heavier spring (hopefully tomorrow - if not then def Monday).

    I know this is an old thread but I figured I would post here rather than open a new thread on the same topic. ZOMBIE THREAD!

    If the gun works with two hands and you're experiencing failure to feeds shooting with one hand, chances are its not the gun. Sorry to utter the words, but it is possible that you're probably limpwristing it. The small .380 handguns like the LCP and the Kel-Tec P3AT are extremely light and work based upon the recoil. If your wrist is not locked, the energy is not there to properly work the slide and you end up with a FTF. Grasping the gun tighter does not eliminate the possibility of a limp wrist. The wrist will need to be locked, almost as if you were extending your arm and pushing the gun forward with your wrist while pulling the trigger when shooting with one hand.

  7. Maybe you could make a one way door of some kind where they are getting into the attic.

    packingheat, can you expand on this a little? I just got a visual of a door small enough that only a squirrel can get in with a little door knob and a little welcome mat out front. I'm wondering what the "gotcha" moment is for the squirrel. I suppose once they are used to getting in through the door, you remove the welcome mat and turn the deadbolt on the door. They can't get in anymore because they no longer remember how to get in without using the door? might work... I think I saw this once on an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies. Jethro was coming up with a way to keep the squirrels out of his vittles....:slap:

  8. I had a similar problem in the first little house we lived in. Every few months or so, my land line would go dead. Call Ma Bell and they'd come out and find a wire chewed off at the end of my gable end in the attic. Guy told me it was probably a squirrel. I learned how to strip the wire and repair it myself until I got tired of climbing into the attic in the middle of August in Memphis. Finally went to a lawn and garden center and bought some poison peanuts. Never had a line chewed after that.

  9. That is awesome! Congrats! My GF (SWMBO) started running half's this year and she really wants to run the St. Jude's next year. I have never been a runner, but have found out that I make a pretty darn good cheerleader for her!

    Tell her to sign up early. This year it filled up before the end of July. Rumor has it next year they'll only sell half as many regular spots as they did this year, and they intend to make the other half "Hero" spots, meaning you have to agree to fund raise at least $500.00 of sponsorship when you sign up.

  10. IMG_0736.jpg

    I have a 32, but not a 380. They are nice pistols, but I prefer 51 Remington.


    Funny you should show off the Remingtons. I've never even heard of them or seen one until I went shooting at a friend of my brother in laws land two weeks ago. His friend collects them and showed me some from his collection. We were talking and he was showing us an old Baby Browning, when the subject of the Remingtons came up. He brought them down to the range and was kind enough to let me shoot one of the .380s. Nice old guns. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I've got to stop reading these threads regarding the election. The primaries haven't begun yet, and people are already bolting for the door, running from the as yet to be nominated Republican candidate. If I didn't know better, you'd think BO was the most popular president in the history of our country.

  12. As a CCW, I never really thought much for carrying a spare magazine until recently. While I like to think I'm prepared as I can possibly be, and I realize the chances of having to use my handgun to protect myself or my family are rather slim, the chances of a long protracted shoot out that would require more than 6 or 8 rounds, and a reload is probably even more remote.

    I then read something that made me rethink this. Essentially guns are machines, and as such, machines can break or malfunction. With that thought, if the magazine goes bad for some unknown reason, I would probably like one to replace it. With this in mind I started carrying my G26 with the stock ten round mag and a G19 mag on the weak side in a Gould & Goodrich carrier. It's not really that stealthy, but I'm usually wearing a shirt or jacket, etc to conceal the pistol, so anything that covers my belt pretty much covers the spare mag as well. Works for me, ymmv.

  13. You can't prove a negative.

    Regardless who the candidate is, if the press keeps giving publicity to these women without first vetting their stories, eventually it will bring them down.

    But they wouldn't be giving these women the press if they were accusing a Kennedy or a Klinton or Edwards.

    True this.

    I agree with many previous posters that Cain is probably done. I'd still vote for him, and respect him more for staying in until the primary is over. Even if some of the allegations are true, Americans are a forgiving people with short memories.


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