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Posts posted by MphsTiger1981

  1. I stand corrected.

    I pulled out a minimalistic leather 1911 holster and it fits the PF-9 perfectly. I am still going to make my wife a holster because ti is already formed but at least she can carry until mine is done.


    FWIW, I noticed that holsters for the commander's size 1911 seem to fit the PF9 very well.

  2. I've owned two RIA GI models. One I bought NIB and the other I picked up used. They were both flawless and ate ball and SD ammo. They were both much more accurate than I would ever be. No experience with the Metro or the American Tactical, but they are both nice looking guns as well. Doubt you could go wrong with any of the three.

  3. The post is about Gingrich, not OBama or Biden. I am a conservative Independent and wouldn't vote for Obama so he is a non-issue. Excusing Gingrich's major blunders by pointing to the oppositions' flaws is not going to get it in this election. The Republican Party needs to forget OBama bashing and come up with a viable Conservative candidate as a solution, not as the least of two evils! IMHO, Independent voters will not go for Gingrich.

    Since you indicated you are an "I", I would like to ask you to clarify for me what you just said. If it comes down to Gingrich or Barry, who would you vote for? You said you would not vote for Barry, so he is a non-issue and you won't vote for Gingrich. So if those are the two choices you will be content to sit home and not vote?

    The part about not bashing Barry? If that offends you, I'd seriously turn off your radio, TV and stop reading the papers for about the next twelve months. It works both ways. Even after he was elected Barry was still bashing Bush. No matter what the problem was, Blame Bush was the answer. The problem is, Barry can't run on his record because he's ruled against the will of the people, and he hasn't done anything to make things better, only to push his own Socialist agenda, fostering class warfare and apologizing to the world for being American.

    Is Gingrich the best we have to offer? Who knows? The primaries aren't over yet. I think Gingrich may be the smartest guy running, but does that make him the best candidate for the job? Not necessarily. But despite all of his faults, which folks here and other places are going to point out until after the election, he is still better for America than Barry. Is he gruff, outspoken and arrogant? Perhaps, but I'd rather have a guy who can express himself and who loves this country and will do the right thing for all Americans in the White House beginning in January 2013. I can honestly say that I believe that Gingrich would do the right thing for America. The current tenant, no so much.

  4. The rest of the country just can't seem to come to terms with the fact the SEC is the best college football conference in the country, and has been for several years. The SEC teams who are numbers 2-5 can outplay and probably beat the all of the number ones from any other conference in the country.

  5. For what it's worth, I've been all three of these folks.

    I've been the cop working traffic control for a large race complete with spectators. I've been the inconvenienced driver and I've been the guy running the 5k or half marathon. Lately, I've been the last one. Yesterday morning our group of about 35 started at 6 a.m. and most of us ran between 11 and 13 miles. We don't have any traffic cops giving us any help and we run most of our route down deserted residential streets until it's light enough to run trails in the park, then we criss cross back over across some of the less travelled streets to get back to our cars. It's pretty risky sometimes because we know cars are not looking for us, even with a large group. I can only imagine the headaches for race organizers with a limited budget to spend on traffic cones and police support.

    That said, I think OS has a legitimate complaint if the cop is simply sitting in his/her squad car listening to the radio and watching the honeys stroll by. If something could have been done to re-route the traffic or do something to help relieve the congestion without disrupting the runners, I think he/she needs to be reprimanded.

    Here in Memphis, there are normally a couple of different mix of officers involved. Some of them are trained traffic officers who understand the nature of the beast and will do what it takes to keep everybody moving with the least amount of static as possible. Others are purely there for the overtime and could care less as long as someone signs his OT sheet. I'm sure it is the same most other places. Unless the brass roll through and see this person slacking off, not much is going to get done.

  6. I never understood how those signs could make someone feel "safe." They must just be ignorant & not stop & think about it. All they are doing is denying law abiding citizens the right to carry guns in for their own protection. Why in God's green Earth do they think that a bank robber is going to look at the sign & say "Oh I cant carry a gun in there, I better go rob a different bank."


    I agree. I just had a thought while reading this thread. I wonder if the guys who rob banks now face an additional charge of carrying a handgun in a bank which is clearly posted "no guns". That should be a real deal breaker for the criminal defense attorneys..."my client will plead guilty to bank robbery if you'll drop the charge for carrying in a posted business, he didn't see the freakin' sign."....:)

  7. Newt does in fact have some baggage, BUT at least he has brought it out front and dealt with it. Unlike Mr. 9-9-9 who can't remember what happened and even though he's paid "hush" money to a couple still denies any wrong doing. Nice try, but I'm not buying it.

    I'm not trying to campaign for anyone, but I think one thing has been made clear from Mr. Cain's past. He did not participate in any of the out of court settlements which may have taken place in response to the accusations against him. On some level it may be hard to grasp, but it's a very common in civil litigation. The insurance company/if self insured, the board of directors will be the normally be the ones who make a business decision as to whether or not they make any offers or payments, and this is ordinarily done without the permission of the person they represent.

    with regard to the O/P...I think Newt is a very intelligent guy and would make a better President than what we have now, and he would also make a smart choice as a VP. Is he perfect? No, none of them are. None of us are perfect. We all have bumps and warts. Why would we expect our politicians to be any different? Just know that if we sit around and wring our hands waiting for the "perfect" candidate, we'll end up with four more years of Obamanation. Just remember, anyone running is a better choice than the current White House occupant.

  8. Likewise, never been a big fan of the guy's music, but he is from Millington, TN which is just north of Memphis. He recently purchased an old golf course up there and has spent several million dollars to turn it into a tourist destination golf course, similar to the Robert Trent Jones courses in Alabama. Apparently the guy is serious about his golf. His parents still live in the area and they help him run the day to day of the course. He is scheduled to build a large club house with his own office and recording studio on the course in the near future. I tip my hat to him for remembering his roots and investing his money with the people in this area. His appearance at the Marine Corp ball confirms that he is a stand up guy.

  9. all the LEO Agencies gotta do is ask for volunteers, temporarily swear 'em in (just like they did back in the days of Tombstone and Dodge City) for a restricted time for a co-op as temp LEO's for this one mission only, codename it Operation Take It Back, volunteers provide their own guns and ammo and they get a chance to serve their city/state and help clean up the streets. I'll gladly be the first one in line to sign my name and put my life on the line and go on a free for all duck shoot. don't give 'em any warning, no heads up. take out as many gang members as you can by any means necessary. and there is no neutral side, you're either on LEO side, or you're on the gang side, if someone gets in the way and doesn't cooperate with LEO's, they get considered as a gang member. You get the press to cover it live and you broadcast it across the nation and you turn the tables on them and put them in fear for a change.

    Wyatt, the scary reality of what your pushing for is that somewhere in a room surrounded by his homies, some gang banger is wanting to do the same thing to you and your friends. They think they are entitled to take whatever they want from those who have more than they did. They have bought into the class warfare BS hook, line and sinker. They are just as deeply entrenched in their beliefs as you are in yours. If you don't believe it, just check the jails, prisons and cemeteries. The other problem is, they are sort of like some of our other enemies these days and they don't all wear a uniform or in this case a bandana with the word, Crips, Bloods, Insane Clown Posse, Latin Kings, etc. on the front. Most of these gangs are now as well formed and organized as the Mafia ever was, and probably twice as ruthless. This has become a real culture war, and it's just getting started.

  10. I've been on both sides of this issue. I've been the cop who stopped folks and I've been the guy who got stopped. When I was young and stupid, if they had searched the car I was in, not saying I was the driver, I'd probably still be in jail.

    As most of the officers on the thread have said, attitude determines where the traffic stop goes from there. If you've got nothing to hide, but you don't like the way the cop is treating you, in other words if "he" seems to have an attitude, then perhaps it's best to decline to allow them to search. If you have nothing in the car and the cop seems to be acting courteous and just doing his job, I'd probably say "go for it". Like most things in life, I do not think there is one blanket answer for what to do if you are stopped. I personally think the answer always begins with "it depends".

    Also, I can't remember the exact case law, but there was some case law which allowed the cop to search the portions of the car which are within the reach of the driver, simply for officer's safety. This could be done without permission or a warrant, but I've been out a long time and I'm not sure if this is still the controlling case or not. This did not include the glove box on the other side of the car.

    Interesting thread.

  11. Sounds like some of our good citizens from Memphis took a trip to Nashville for the weekend. Been sorta quiet around here....our biggest story is whether or not the schools should furnish dinner ( in addition to the breakfast and lunch they already get) for the children before we put them on the bus and send them home. I think we should just let them stay at school and put up bars to keep all the bad folks out, and feed them the three meals a day,....wait, we already do that for most of their relatives now, but we call it jail. hmph....

  12. I've owned a couple of PF9's and they have been good guns, but they were just a little finicky about what ammo they'd eat. Never owned a Taurus, but many who have like them. Given my personal experiences with the PF9, I'd go with the PT145.

  13. I will not be surprised to find out that the Republican leadership is behind the leak. It appears to me that the GOP establishment is more afraid of Mr. Cain than the dems are.

    Agreed. If the Dems wanted to use these allegations, they'd be foolish to play their hand right now. The smart thing would be to wait until he was officially the Republican candidate, then introduce all of these women with their stories.

  14. I'm also betting they fire him for violating company policy regarding carrying a firearm at working. He may have trouble getting another job delivering pizzas provided that's what he wants to do. If so, maybe someone will hear of his plight and get him some work. It's just the devil some of us wrestle with, do you carry against company policy in the event something like this happens or do you just hope you're the lucky one who never needs a gun but doesn't have one for trying to be a good employee? Get caught, lose your job. Get caught without, lose your life. Big boy rules definitely apply.

    He made the right choice. He's alive today to look for work. If not for that revolver he had on him that night, today might just as easily been his funeral service. No doubt, the employer would have sent flowers and a nice card.

  15. I've been with Regions since they were Leader Federal who was bought out by Union Planters, who became Regions.

    I recently closed my small personal checking account. When I closed the account, the guy waiting on me had to fill out a form and asked why I was closing my account. I told him I was supporting "Occupy My Street", or in other words, I'm trying to keep the money in my home so I can continue to occupy 'my street'. :popcorn:

    I'm glad to learn most of the banks will be dropping the fee, but let's not kid ourselves, they will find another source of income via some sort of convenience/service fee some place else. It's not personal, it's just business.


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