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1gewehr last won the day on January 1 2022

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About 1gewehr

  • Birthday 09/13/1957

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  • Location
    Mid TN


  • Carry Weapon #1
    Star PD
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Keltec P3AT

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  1. My primary rifle is a M4gery with iron sights in 6.5G. I also have one with a 20" barrel that I use with whatever scope I want to use at the time. I also have an upper in 5.56mm that I can plink with using a .22lr conversion kit. If you only have funds for one rifle, get it in 5.56mm with a .22 kit. That'll take care of all varmints from mice and moles up to coyotes. I also have an FN-FAL in 7.62NATO that is good for larger varmints. There are chamber inserts in .32acp that are VERY useful for small critters (rabbits, skunk, etc) and are pretty quiet. But the chamber inserts make the rifle a single shot.
  2. I know that you specified shotgun. But, you also said it was for around the property and for varmints (two and four legs). In my part of the woods, 'varmints' usually means coyotes. Coyotes are usually at the max range (or further) for shotgun use. My recommendation would be an AR15. Pick your caliber, but I use 6.5 Grendel. It's instant death on coyotes, and an inexpensive IR sight will allow use in the dark. And, around the house, it's handier and lighter than an 18" barrel shotgun. (Unless you hang all sorts of crap on it). Just my humble opinion!
  3. I had one many years ago. It was only a tiny bit larger than my Star PD .45 carry gun, significantly heavier, and more ammo sensitive, So, I sold it.
  4. Big Box stores are a PITA for firearms. A real gun store is usually a much more pleasant firearms buying experience. A friend who bought a .22 rifle at Walmart some years ago said the clerk eventually admitted that she was taking a long time to do things and hoping he would just get tired of waiting and not buy the gun!
  5. You have really STOMP on it to get it to work!!
  6. I changed to a Springfield XDs in .45 about 10 years ago. It's light, compact, reliable, ergonomic, and relatively inexpensive. I've got a Colt Defender, too. But the XDs is lighter and feels better to me.


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