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mikegideon last won the day on April 18

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About mikegideon

  • Birthday 01/16/1956

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  • Location
    Paducah, KY
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Guns and Sawdust
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 43
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 19

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Postus Maximus

Postus Maximus (5/5)




Community Answers

  1. That one probably went over some heads
  2. But no asses will be hung out, and nobody will be held accountable until Orange Hitler takes office. It's the main reason why they don't want him.
  3. I've known a lot of folks that own only one AR. I owned a bunch before the accident. It's not one for one, but it's gonna be one and a small fraction per person.
  4. Yeah. I have a 243 and a 270. Both great rifles, but not near as accurate as my Grendels. They're a lot lighter though.
  5. The most truth I have heard about the whole deal, even with a 223.
  6. I like good rests. I own a couple of good ones. But, I also own the Art of the Precision Rifle. They're making shots at a mile off Harris bipods. My two Grendels have bag riders on them. Anything less gets a bipod.
  7. I wish politicians would quit making laws period. They suck at it. We gotta quit putting the biggest liars on the planet in charge.
  8. It's been discussed on here many times before. You never know how someone will react to gunfire until it happens. I don't know how you would test them in advance.
  9. Well, a true progressive would call you a right wing extremist. You don't have any of the crazy stuff.
  10. Almost everybody is thinking that


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