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Posts posted by musicman

  1. Yea, I'm much afraid over what I see forming. The sucky part is that I don't have ANY extra cash to stock up on guns and ammo. My consolation is that I've got enough components to reload for 38/357 and 44 mag to last me about 5 years worth of shooting at my current rate, probably twenty years if I back off a bunch. Sadly, the closest thing I have to a zombie rifle now is the fire-breathing Mosin. Let's hope there are only five zombies, or that they move very slowly at the least. I take forever reloading that gun!

  2. This morning it was Alter Bridge's latest album, Blackbird, followed by a lot of Billy Joel, particularly the Turnstiles album. The last hour of the day has been devoted to Iron Maiden, started off with The Trooper, just ended listening to Run to the Hills.

    Time to go home now!

    • Like 1
  3. Howdy folks!

    So far we've had two great Saturday meet, eat, greet, and shoots! As with all things, however, people have different schedules and Saturday is not an open day for some of us.

    The idea of having alternating Sunday and Saturday meets has been tossed about a bit. What I'd like to do is see how many people would be better served with a Sunday meet, how many people are better with a Saturday meet, and how many would show regardless of which of those two days it was held.

    So, if you WOULD come to a Middle Tennessee M.E.G.&S., which of the following options would generally fit your situation?

    1) Sunday would be best for me

    2) Saturday would be best for me

    3) Either Sunday or Saturday would be fine for me

    4) Are they going to serve pork?!

    --I tried making this a poll, but for some reason it wouldn't work. Are regular members not allowed to make polls?--

  4. That's correct! They do have a Sunday evening service, as well as a Wednesday evening service. I play bass guitar for all of them, and I even like being there! I am also usually there on Friday night with the teens... sometimes even Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday; I'm there pretty much whenever I can help.

    I'm not saying the meet can't be had on a Sunday, just merely stating my preference, as others have. If the meet is on a Sunday, I may be able to make the range portion, but probably not lunch.

  5. Saturday is still better for me (yea, I'm one of "those" religious types!)

    I'm wondering if we should do the next meet a little farther north, seeing as we had the last two down in Smyrfreesboro. (WHich is great by me, Famous Dave's is all of 1.5 miles from my house!) I don't really know what's up there, but I've always heard good things about the range at Guns and Leather in Greenbrier.

    Still awaiting Tungsten's decision...

  6. Hey guys! So it's only been a few days, but I already can't wait for the next eat & shoot! I wanna shoot my Mosin again! (thanks Eddie!) Tungsten, are you planning on coordinating the next one? If so, please just go ahead and delete this whole thread. If not, I'll help if you would like.

  7. I love the Reloader's Bench. I think their customer service is excellent, and their array of supplies and inventory is great. Like I've said in another post, I haven't been there lately so I don't know if the place has suddenly changed, but I doubt it. It is a place with lots of "character." Sometimes that "character" comes out the wrong way, but I think the guys at the bench are good folks.

    Ditto what Rabbi said.

  8. Nutcase - Yea, I know what you're talking about with the Rivera. I've got a wireless rig that I fool with sometimes and went all over the place to see how it sounded in a few different venues, and it was always a little thin no matter what. The only thing I haven't bothered to do yet was enclose the back. Since all I really play is bass now, I'll probably just leave it all as is.

  9. ding ding ding! yup.

    Back in the day when IMing was all the rage (and everybody had AOL) my friend IMed me that after a joke, and I asked what it meant. For some reason it struck me as so funny at the time I actually fell out of my chair laughing. You just had to know my buddy Jay.

  10. These are my main guitars, except for the Strat which I sold (kicks self in pants!)


    L to R 1981 Ibanez AR350 Artist, Highway 1 Texas Tele (love this guitar, and I can't even stand country music!) 1977 Ibanez P300 (think Frampton, minus the $2,500 sticker in the headstock) Highway 1 Strat which had Lindy Fralin pickups... that guitar was a freakin' tone machine and I sold it to buy a gun which I no longer even own... stupid move. I still hate myself over that.


    That's me playing a Christmas show a few (like 5) years ago... yea, I'm wearing a Larry Boy shirt.


    The flame top of the AR-350. This guitar shows some honest wear, but it's my most prized guitar. A mentor and good friend "sold" (basically gave) me the guitar for what he paid for it nearly 20 years ago.


    Match made in heaven... though it did not last. :D

    I don't have pics of the other stuff, but my main guitar amp is a Rivera M100 combo 4x10. I love it, but it's a little thin on the low end, open back and all. If I can ever get a matched 2x12 I'll be set.

    Right now I play mainly bass (church) but all of that stuff is more utilitarian. I started to focus on bass after my money supply tightened up. I have a Yamaha 5 string BB series, and run it through an Ampeg head (B2R I think, close to the base of the range) and an Ampeg 410 HLE cab.

  11. strelcevina, were you a member of the MTRC? Your name seems really familiar. If you are the guy I am thinking of we hung out at a meet a couple years ago, but I can't remember who hosted. He had like a 180g right there in the kitchen...

    anyways, if you're not who I think you are, I'm embarassed!! Oh, and welcome! Those 96s are awesome guns. I'd love to have an Inox 96 one day.

  12. My experiences have always mirrored those of our friend tokarev. While Jim and the guys were sometimes a little gruff and crotchety, that's kind of what I expect at an older, well-established gun shop outside of town. I always enjoyed my trips there, and learned lots of new things by joining in the great converstions with the older customers while sitting around the gun shelves on the provided barstools. Jim taught me how to reload and gave me great prices on a number of guns. It was also a great place to trade range brass I scooped up for store credit. About every month or so I would have enough for a sleeve of primers and a pound or two of powder.

    However, the last couple times I was there the shop did seem to change a little. Some younger guys (my age, I'm 25) who didn't really respect of understand the wisdom of the previous generations made a home there. While there's nothing wrong with tactical gear and EBRs (I have some of that stuff myself) there does seem to be a mindset that develops amongst the fringe extremists of these folks that seems to disregard real-world experience (ie: WWII, Nam, etc) of the older guys at the shop. The new kids just kind of stand there and jeer at you, belittling your .38 and 30-30 while extolling the virtues of the newest Uber-round and how it will vaporize an elephant at 1,300 meters. Nevermind the fact that those war vets could probably outshoot those punks and their ARs at a distance with a simple model 10. While I am their age (the punks, that is) I hope I do not mirror their attitudes. I used to sit in near silence for hours at a time at the Bench, just listening to the converstations of people 2-3 times my age. I miss that.

    Anyways, I need to make a pilgrimage to my gun birthing ground and see what's goin' on up there; that, and I'm low on HP38 and Bullseye and nobody around here has either!

  13. Hmmmm..... bummer 'bout the Bench. I moved to Smyrna from Hermitage about 2 yrs ago. I used to hit the Bench every other week, but since I moved that has become much more sparse. I think it's been 6 mos. since I've been there.

    See what happens when I leave?!?!?!?!?! :)


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