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Posts posted by JPR1959

  1. Stand your ground allows just that. You don't have to retreat from your attackers. I think having your head smashed into the sidewalk could eventually lead to your death. From all of the "leaked" reports, Zimmerman was attacked from behind. I think the charges are to try and keep a lid on the boiling pot of Sanford. Zimmerman probably won't go to trial within the next year, so this thing should die down by then.

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  2. This is one instance where I would say to look at Consumer Reports on their views. I wouldn't spend the money on an expensive vacuum again. I bought a Eureka from Wally World and it world pretty well for $130.

  3. You wouldn't believe the number of people getting free medicine already. TennCare is driving our state broke, and Medicare/Medicaid is doing the same thing to the feds. People bitch about having to pay $2 for a 30 day supply of meds.

  4. No it was the service guys, the Kia kept giving my wife problems and those guys were jerks to my wife about it, Two Rivers Ford has earned me as a lifetime customer

    That's odd. I've always found Two Rivers extremely high on their auto prices, and their service department??? The most dishonest of the bunch.


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