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Posts posted by JPR1959

  1. I really liked the look of the Magpul MOE handguards and was all set to purchase them until I saw pictures of accessories mounted to them. I just didn't like the way it looked. I was not too hip on making my AR any heavier with most of the quad rail systems out there. I saw the Midwest Industries drop-in quad rails and I bought it. It weighs 9 ounces for the midlength which is pretty light.


  2. So in the 2004 case of United States v. Sanchez-Villar when Sotomayor said "the right to possess a gun is clearly not a fundamental right.", she actually meant that the right to possess a gun really is a fundemental right?

    Also, lest we not forget, she dissented on the McDonald v. Chicago case.

    Dare I say she is not our friend.

    It only took the Supreme Court how many years to realize the rights guaranteed by the Constitution superceeded state rights? Our freedoms are worth so much more by voting for the "right" party than to vote for someone who cannot win even one state in the election. I agree with Dr. Paul on our economic policies, but strongly disagree with his foreign policy. If the western world leaves Iran alone, do you honestly think nuclear war isn't right around the corner? Are you going to be angry enough when Israel is nuked? New York? Washington DC?

  3. I find RP's foreign policy, or lack thereof, to be a major concern. The Middle East is a powder keg waiting to blow at any minute. All you have to do is listen to Iran's warnings about nuking Israel. These threats are very real and should be taken as such. I do agree with him on declaring war through Congress and not via presidential directive. I also think RP is horrible in debates. He sounds whiney and stutters and stammers too much.

    • Like 1
  4. 1967 Mustang convertible. A couple years after this picture, 351 with ported heads, huge cam, 11:1 pistons, C6 automatic w/stall speed, 4.63 gears, nitrous oxide injection just in case. It would scream.


  5. I will not vote for Obama. He is a horrible president, and just wait until ObamaCare kicks in full time. Our national debt will skyrocket even faster than it is now.

    In 1992, I voted for Perot. I was fed up with Bush and despised Clinton. Perot's ideas were right on target, and would have had our nation out of debt by now. In 1996, every citizen was so mad at government, the throw the bums out motto ruled. We saw a conservative Congress for the first time in 80 years. What did that get us??? In part, a vigorous economy, a more balanced budget, and hope.

    I just want to see 4 years of conservative government, if for no other reason, to see if they can do what they claim. We know after the past 80 years the liberal/socialist agenda is a miserable failure. I will not sit by and hide my head in the sand because my favorite candidate (Newt) isn't going to win. It is un-American and unpatriotic to NOT vote. Take a stand and stand by your convictions, right or wrong. If you don't want to vote, then move to China where you can't!!!

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  6. I've watched enough of the debates, and seen enough of the ads to know that Romney is another McCain. If he gets the Republican nomination, we're doomed. I'm tired of the Republican party nominating moderates. I want a true conservative for president and I want a conservative Congress. The Republicans have held both only one time in the past 50+ years. Liberalism had a major role in our nation's current fiscal crisis. I'm for Gingrich or Santorum.

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  7. If society completely falls apart, no one has enough supplies to last long enough. Unless you have a fresh water source on or near your property, you'll die of thirst. What's going to happen to our dams? Nuclear power plants? Refineries? Do you work for free, or do you work to help your fellow countrymen? Love thy neighbor will probably go out the window in today's society. I pray we don't ever get ourselves put into that scenario.

  8. I'd say the world is likely going the other direction.

    I'd say you might be right, but the world's economic power can buy really good toys to defeat their enemies. I don't think this happens in our lifetime, but I don't think China has become as powerful as they are economically without a lot of help behind the scenes. China, like the USSR, had most of their population living in some of the worst conditions in the world as few as 15 years ago. Now, they are the manufacturing every nation's "junk". How did China come up with the capital to fund their current economic boom? Russia couldn't, and they had far more military might than the Chinese. The ruble had no value outside of Russia, why did China's currency all of a sudden find a value? How did China build their infrastructure without help from the economic powers of the world? China certainly didn't have the capacity and technology to achieve this boom on their own.

  9. I don't believe your argument about imported goods being sold at a lower price is valid. We were sold the idea of sending our manufacturing overseas would leave to lower priced goods and raise the standard of living in poorer economies. The costs of clothing has skyrocketed in the past 15 years, yet the quality is way down. Levi's used to be made with 14 ounce denim, now it's 11. Levi's used to cost $20-25, now $45-50. Look at women's fashion, a standard blouse from China is $80 or higher and the quality of the garment is lousy. I can promise you the only person getting rich off of this is the retailer. The costs have not dropped since exporting our jobs to overseas contractors.

    I used to work on computerized machines to cut fabric. There was a factory in Cullman, Alabama, that made kids pajamas that were sold to Wal-Mart. The retail price was $10. This factory was turning a profit when they delivered the finished good to Wal-mart for 7 cents!!! Wal-Mart wanted them to make it for 6.5 cents. The factory owners told them they couldn't for that price and make a profit. Wal-Mart did not renew the contract and the factory was closed 60 days later.

  10. I'm going to remove my tin foil hat for a moment and state I believe the uber-elite that control the banks and corporations, are the ones that are controlling the world's governments. They are inserting their influence through fiscal policies, media outlets and lobbyists. These people are above the conservative/liberal debate because they have so much power and influence they are immune to it all. Eventually, the goal is a one world government. It might take several decades for this to occur, but it will happen. I am a crazy loon for writing this, so I am now putting my hat back on.


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