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Posts posted by Randall53

  1. I've been watching and wondering which way the fence riders would go after this horrific shooting episode. You never know, since the Liberals brainwashing has been really strong. A person could hate the feeling of helplessness in that kind of situation of desperately needing a gun and not having one and still slip on either side. It all comes down to their outlook on what a firearm is. A tool that can be used for protection of self and loved one(s) or an evil entity that should be eradicated. I've read several reports that the GOP members are wanting to protect themselves, which is a power everyone should be allowed to have of course. This leads me to one thing though. They are wanting to be exempt from DC's anti carry laws. I think that if a law exists that those in Washington feel the need to be exempted of, then it's a pretty ####ty law to start with and shouldn't be on the books at all. Sorry for the French, but that is how I feel.

    • Like 5
  2. And the hits keep coming......You are correct. It's hard to have nice things in todays DGAS world. I bought a new to me used fishing boat that was pretty danged nice. Nice trailer and so forth. I kept boat and trailer clean and waxed. The trailer was backed into 2 times in less than 6 months on opposite sides while I was fishing. No note or anything. Both fenders are dented now. I said heck with it and didn't even have them fixed. I still keep them clean, but no more waxing and babying them. 

  3. 7 hours ago, bersaguy said:

    I think I could have got them done sooner if I trusted them to use a scalpel (Knife) to do my surgery but the thought of a guy regardless of how good cutting on my eye was not something I wanted to think about so I am saving up to get Lasik surgery. Actually I'm saving up the difference between what Medicare will pay and what they charge to do Lasik Surgery.  I had a friend have his done last month and he went under the knife and said it was piece of cake and hardests part for him was the darn drops that needed to be put in his eyes before and after. He had both his done 2 weeks apart and stopped by yesterday and said he wished he had got it done sooner.

    If I decide to go with the Knife, Medicare will pay it all and if I should need reading glasses after wards they pay for the first pair but everyone that I know that has had it does not need glasses.

    That is one reason why I have not been to the range in last couple months. Last time I went with my new glasses my O.D. doctor made for me I was still good and on target for the 10 yard range but a little off at 15 yards so decided I would not go back till after I had the surgery.

    I'm not sure what you're having Bersa, but my wife had cataract surgery and they actually put lenses in her eyes. They did them 2 weeks apart. There are 2 types of lenses. One type will correct near sightedness (not being able to see far away) but you may have to wear reading glasses. Another lens will do both, but costs 1500 more per eye. You are correct about the eye drops. You have to do them for about a month after each surgery and they also are expensive. My wifes Dr. gave us a discount card that dropped the price a bunch.  Good luck.

    y the way. I need some plastic worms for shakey head jigs. I need some jigs also. I've lost the email you sent me with plastic and jig info. If you are still making them let me know and I'll PM you my email address again.  Thanks Doug

  4. 4 hours ago, bersaguy said:

    Thanks Randall53 for covering my bad eyesight. Back when I first came here OS jumped me for yelling because I was using large type but he has not brought it up recently. I have the magnifier on to read most of the posts but can't use it to type. I am hoping to get my cataracs removed in the Fall but right now I am just saving up to be able to get both done. I know a lot of folks that will get 1 done and then wait sometimes a year or more to get the second one done. I'm planning on getting them both done 2 weeks apart and get it behind me. 

    My wife had them in both eyes last summer and had to have the surgery. She was going to have to wait about 3 month, but hers got so bad they bumped her up and she only had to wait about a month. She could hardly see to walk. Good luck with yours it's pretty amazing. she sees perfectly now for the first time in over 40 years. Always had to wear glasses or contacts. Not anymore!! 

    • Like 2
  5. 29 minutes ago, Ugly said:

    They will not ever get it Bersa. They don't have the ability to look at reality with an open mind and see all of the factors that lead to the result. 

    Either that or they just want to disarm folks any way they can. Probably a little of both, depending where they are in the food chain. 

    I agree with Ugly, Bersa. There is no common sense in these people. They truly believe that if there's a no guns sign up somewhere, that the bad guys are going to obey. It seems the only way that kind of thinking changes is if one of their own has a bad experience first hand. Then they change their tune.

    On another note, why do some people try be a moderator or thread police? If you don't like something someone posted or saw something in another thread posted then DON'T OPEN THE THREAD. There's no reason in being an ass. People that have been here a while know that Bersaguy has trouble seeing and has to use a large type. Does everyone here search a topic before you post to see if it's already there? I doubt it.  Geesh.....:doh:

    • Like 8
  6. It's been awhile since I've seen a team fall apart like this. Up by 2 in the top of the 3rd, they've allowed 9 individual runs in the bottom of the 3rd. and still only 1 out. Errors out the wazoo!!!  They did change pitchers though. the Angels were beating Colon to death. They finally got em out. This could be a loooong game for Braves fans.....If they have any left tonight! LOL

  7. I think people should just not visit a topic they find offensive rather than try to have it removed. I find it similar to a channel on the TV that I don't like. It's easy to just change the channel and much easier than having the channel removed from the airwaves. I suppose most people do this, but I'm sure the problem with the political topic was the way it filled up the "unread content" and the "all content" activity streams. I understand this would be a real problem and irritation to some.  

    I have a custom activity stream that pulls from everything I really like, which I cunningly named "everything" :dirty:, and I admit it would fill up sometimes when hot debate was happening in the offending sub title, but when that happened I'd go to the browse button and scan over the topics I enjoy most if I didn't feel like engaging. I did enjoy the political stuff and got caught up in it pretty good. Like others have said, it was usually the first thing I looked at when I logged on. I can live with it either way though. I enjoyed this place a great deal before the said sub topic existed and will continue if it stays gone, or if it comes back. I don't plan on leaving no matter which way it goes. I was surprised it was gone when I got back from vacation. It was the first saved link I have for TGO that I went to and found it gone. I don't know a thing about programming, but if it could exist as a topic that simply did not post to the streams, then the ones that want could go there would have to knowingly enter it by their own choice and debate away without offending others. There would be no room for anyone to complain about it. 

    edited to say......if it existed in the benefactors lounge, prying eyes from the outside world couldn't see it. I don't think......right?  Just a thought.

    • Like 1
  8. The ABB was a great band and I still have many of their songs in my playlist. I also have the "I'm no Angel" CD and there's not a bad song on it. Hate to hear it. I drove through Savannah this morning.

  9. 12 minutes ago, bersaguy said:

    Heck with all the other possible listening devices that is already in my home I darn sure don't need to add another. I still think the Feds can listen to what you say in the Cable boxes on tv's and possibly even these new flat screen TV's so not interested in adding any more. .............JMHO

    Yep....I believe they can and are listening.  If Google can...you know the NSA can


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