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Local story not in news...

Guest Steelharp

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Guest Steelharp

Got this in e-mail from a recording engineer friend of mine:


This is a true crime story I felt obligated to share with friends, especially those friends who have daughters.

Several weeks ago, I did vocal overdubs on a male singer in his late 20s or early 30s.

A week or so later, the singer went to a Wal-Mart near me at 8 pm with his girlfriend and was robbed at gunpoint by an African American. The robber tried to kidnap the singer’s girlfriend, and if he had been successful, she would have been another rape/murder victim.

What the robber didn’t know was the singer is a martial arts expert and a boxer. The singer kicked the robber in the throat and disarmed him. The robber’s accomplice hit the singer with his car. The bad guys got away and the singer had to go to the hospital but his girlfriend wasn’t kidnapped and the police had a gun with fingerprints.

The robber’s arm was hurt during the fight and a week or so later he showed up at an emergency room with a broken arm. The police apprehended him. The doctors said if the robber had waited another 24 hours, they would have had to amputate his arm. What a shame that would have been if the armed robber, would-be kidnapper, would-be rapist, would-be murderer lost his gun toting hand.

The robber is suspected in a string of other crimes. The police asked if the singer wanted to press charges – the answer was yes.

I’ve seen nothing in the news about this incident. We have no idea how many incidents like this go unreported. In another state last week, a 15 year old girl was kidnapped, raped and murdered when she left Target in broad daylight.

I guess we live in a time where law abiding citizens have to carry concealed weapons and be prepared to use them. If you’re not safe at Wal-Mart at 8 pm or at Target in broad daylight, you’re not safe anywhere.

The singer saved his girlfriend from kidnap, rape and murder and took a criminal off the street – but thanks to the court system, only for a while. The singer’s next vocal overdub at my place is on the house.



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Yup, there was a report about an attack here in Memphis this weekend. The "victim" after the attack went inside got his gun and came out shooting. The news made it a point to mention that he did NOT have a permit.

Good to hear that this guy was able to defend himself with his hands and feet. Yet another reason I plan on taking up some form of martial arts. If nothing else, it will be one more tool in the arsenal to defend myself and my family.

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Guest 00z28
Yup, there was a report about an attack here in Memphis this weekend. The "victim" after the attack went inside got his gun and came out shooting. The news made it a point to mention that he did NOT have a permit.

Good to hear that this guy was able to defend himself with his hands and feet. Yet another reason I plan on taking up some form of martial arts. If nothing else, it will be one more tool in the arsenal to defend myself and my family.

Yeah, criminals here in Memphis love to try to rob hispanics... Course when I meet them in the course of my work duties I remind them that this is the US and they have to right to own firearms and not be victims. As far as the singer goes, BRAVO!!! Shame he didn't crush that guys throat when he kicked him.

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Guest Steelharp
The girl kidnapped from Target was 18, and it's been all over the news.

Yeah, but the story I posted above was at Wal-Mart and it wasn't on the news... ya maroon... sheesh... :2cents:

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Guest CrazyLincoln

Yeah. My sister almost got mugged in the wal-mart parking lot in a good part of town. Fortunately they were just vandalizing cars and she went in the store when they started walking towards her, before anything happened. Sombody in walmart called the cops. One of the vandals was carrying a .45. And some wonder why I want to carry.......

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Guest Phantom6

The doctors said if the robber had waited another 24 hours, they would have had to amputate his arm. What a shame that would have been if the armed robber, would-be kidnapper, would-be rapist, would-be murderer lost his gun toting hand.

:clap: Good for the good guys!

Guess they would have a hard time with a charge of "ARMED" robbery the next time since your friend's client literally nearly dis-armed the BG.:up:

:2cents: Whoo Hoo! Sucks to be you Mr. BG

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A week or so later, the singer went to a Wal-Mart near me at 8 pm with his girlfriend and was robbed at gunpoint by an African American.

I am happy the singer was able to fend off the attack. Seems the singer did not need a firearm to defend himself. All of us should be so well trained.

You never know when crime will come your way and that is why we all need to be prepared at all times.

The reason I post though is what does "african american" have to do with the story? If the perp had been white would you have stated he was?

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The reason I post though is what does "african american" have to do with the story? If the perp had been white would you have stated he was?

That was just a 'PC' way of indicating that the perp was black. Any reporter will state whether a suspect in a given story is 'white', 'black', 'hispanic', 'asian', 'arabic', etc...

I fail to see a problem...?

That may have been the only description they had, or were able to give... Are you implying that it is offensive or wrong to give a physical description?

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Yeah. My sister almost got mugged in the wal-mart parking lot in a good part of town. Fortunately they were just vandalizing cars and she went in the store when they started walking towards her, before anything happened. Sombody in walmart called the cops. One of the vandals was carrying a .45. And some wonder why I want to carry.......

All the more reason why women should arm themselves. We are easy targets, it only takes a few seconds for someone to throw you into a van and drive away.

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I am not implying anything by my question, what are you implying I am implying:confused:?

If I had been telling the story I would have said a man attacked a couple.

I know what you are getting at and I see less and less of it in mainstream media than I used to. Maybe I am hyper-alert to it now but I always notice when someone throws out the race card.

No offense was meant and please do not find any.:popcorn:

I meant nothing by my original post, but you all made me think about this more. I looked at the last three days worth of the News Sentinel. There is not one story i can find where race of any perp is mentioned. Nor is the race of any victim mentioned. the race of victims in the OP's post was not mentioned either.

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