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Need some legal advice on easement

Guest Traumaslave

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Guest Traumaslave

Any property lawyers in the house?? I have an easement/right of way on my property which connects a neighboring property which is landlocked. This driveway crosses the stream on a bridge which is on my property. Today, the neighbors had some gravel brought in to make a driveway up to the house they are having built. The gravel was to be placed on their property. The truck made it across the bridge, made of steel I-beams and treated lumber, twice. The third trip across buckled the beams and the dump truck loaded with 8 tons of gravel ended up in the steam. I'll post pics soon.

My question pertains to "my" liability. I didn't tell them it was OK to bring such loads across that bridge nor was I asked. It is their only access to the property so they will have to fix it. I don't want to incure any expense in their mistake nor do I want to have to pay for the damage/tow of the dump truck. My understanding is that they are only covering the property with personal liabilty insurance to cover injury.

Any thoughts?????

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Guest Rick O'Shay
Any property lawyers in the house?? I have an easement/right of way on my property which connects a neighboring property which is landlocked. This driveway crosses the stream on a bridge which is on my property. Today, the neighbors had some gravel brought in to make a driveway up to the house they are having built. The gravel was to be placed on their property. The truck made it across the bridge, made of steel I-beams and treated lumber, twice. The third trip across buckled the beams and the dump truck loaded with 8 tons of gravel ended up in the steam. I'll post pics soon.

My question pertains to "my" liability. I didn't tell them it was OK to bring such loads across that bridge nor was I asked. It is their only access to the property so they will have to fix it. I don't want to incure any expense in their mistake nor do I want to have to pay for the damage/tow of the dump truck. My understanding is that they are only covering the property with personal liabilty insurance to cover injury.

Any thoughts?????

I am an engineer who calculates that sort of thing daily. They came across your "bridge" without permits or permission? Sue the **** out of them all, they have no defense.

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Guest Rick O'Shay
Would that not inturn go against my neighbor who "gave" them permission?

Can't answer that, I am not a lawyer, but either your neighbor, or the contractor who broke the bridge is liable to fix it. My guess is that it is the contractor, but then again I am not a lawyer. The bottom line is one of those folks is liable to fix the problem. I would either make a settlement with the neighbor if you like him, make a settlement with the contractor, who is likely bonded, and would rather fix the problem than go to court, or sue everybody in sight until the problem is resolved. Personally I would contact the contractor and tell him that kind of new bridge would make me happy, and by a certain date that will happen, or the lawyers will be involved. He is at fault here and will likely want to keep it private I imagine.

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I use to do paving growing up and it is almost always the property owners

resposibility to provide access to the site for delivery of items.

I have seen many time where stuff was left by the street because the delivery

did not seem safe.and no was was there. I bet your new neighbor told them to just drive up to the site not knowing the rating for your bridge. A load of rock in a tandum

dump truck is between 20-22 tons not to include the truck.

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Guest Traumaslave

Someone, I don't know who, told them that the bridge was rated at 10 tons. They told me this and that they were keeping the loads to 8 tons. :up: I had to leave for work so I wasn't able to get with the "owners", I spoke with the daughter and SIL for a minute. I will be speaking with the owners this afternoon.:lol:

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Guest m&pc9
I use to do paving growing up and it is almost always the property owners

resposibility to provide access to the site for delivery of items.

I have seen many time where stuff was left by the street because the delivery

did not seem safe.and no was was there. I bet your new neighbor told them to just drive up to the site not knowing the rating for your bridge. A load of rock in a tandum

dump truck is between 20-22 tons not to include the truck.

If it is a tri axle dump truck it will haul 20-22 tons but the gross weight is 70,000 lbs which is 35 tons.

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