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WARNING: TGO is NOT sending letters to gun owners about Red Flag Laws.

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Be Aware:

An organization based out of Ohio has initiated a fear-based money grabbing campaign in the state of Tennessee, using the attached mailing, under the auspices of resisting Governor Bill Lee's Red Flag laws and is misleading the public by using the Tennessee Gun Owners name as their own.  THEY ARE NOT US.

We take offense at this and are investigating our legal options for shutting that entity down.  In the meantime, please understand that TGO is not a lobbying organization and has never advertised itself as such.  Any email or letter that you receive from someone purporting to be "Tennessee Gun Owners" and asking you to financially support their activism efforts is not us.  They do not represent us, and we absolutely do not endorse them.

John Harris, executive director at the Tennessee Firearms Association summarized the activities of these carpetbaggers best:


On April 19, 2023, shortly after Gov. Lee publicly demanded a Red Flag law, a new entity was formed in Tennessee under the name "Tennessee Gun Owners" - see Secretary of State's Business Search.   This entity has a mailing address on 12th Avenue South in Nashville which appears to be a private mail box at a UPS store.  This entity is sending out mailers asking for money to fight the Red Flag issue and directs people to mail them your credit card number in care of "Chris Dorr".   The recent formation by Dorr of a Tennessee entity appears similar to other organizations set up in other states that some reports also link to Chris Dorr or others in his family.

The purpose of this message is to make clear that Tennessee Firearms Association, as well as the PAC, TFALAC, are not affiliated with the Chris Dorr entity or its attempts to fundraise.   TFA does not recommend or endorse this newly formed entity. 


If you are interested in supporting a legitimate ally of the Second Amendment with effective Pro-2A activism in Tennessee, we heartily endorse and recommend the Tennessee Firearms Association.  You can establish or renew membership with them at the following link.

Join or Renew in TFA - Tennessee Firearms Association




Sample of the misleading letter being sent by these imposters:




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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is a presentation of Enthusiast Productions. The TGO state flag logo and the TGO tri-hole "icon" logo are trademarks of Tennessee Gun Owners. The TGO logos and all content presented on this site may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. The opinions expressed on TGO are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the site's owners or staff.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is not a lobbying organization and has no affiliation with any lobbying organizations.  Beware of scammers using the Tennessee Gun Owners name, purporting to be Pro-2A lobbying organizations!

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