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False Teeth problems (young guy)

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Im inquiring to some help with my dentures.A bit about me, im 25 and this incident has left me with....nothing, im starting all over again.I will give you the run down of my story,About 9 or so months ago I was in Daytona(where im from)and was in a bad car accident(totaled).I was driving around 50-55 when this clown comes barreling through the red light(paying no attention) i was only about 10 yards or so off when i saw him,so i yanked my E-brake, needless to say impact was immenent.I wrapped my mitsubishi galont around the reer end of his suburban. Hitting my chin on the steering wheel ,breaking 13 teeth and dislocating my jaw.Since beautiful FLA is a "no fault" state:poop: i get a check to cover my car OR teeth,NOT both. So i obviously have opted for the latter.

Now 9 months and $6,000 worth of surg later i have a new grill:D my main question is are these supposed to feel redicously akward? i feel like im wearing a mouth guard. Its hard to say alot of words, wich im working on.I still have to take out the bottoms while eating. I was useing the glue(polygrip plus,white) But got zinc poisoning from it:death: go figure. now that im done being poisoned,lol, im having alot of problems with them. Can anyone offer me any tips?A good dentureist in the area?i'm only 25 and would not like it to be like this for 50 years.

Also, looking for a car or scooter that works for cheap(+/- 1000) i am able boddied and can work it off or pay for it in installments or both(since now i obviously dont have one).

As always the help is appreciated

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Guest mustangdave

My brother in law had ALL his teeth yanked out some years back...SERIOUSLY bad oral hygene...he has both uppers and lowers...he told me it took him about a YEAR to get use to wearing dentures...mainly because it takes that long or longer for the gum's to "harden up"...as he put it...he doesn't use that poly-grip stuff at all...its not much...but hope it helps

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Unlike many in East TN I have pretty much all my teeth,

But I go with the hardening up theory. Your gums are going to shrink some and get tougher fairly quickly.

Sorry for your woes. For the grace of God it could be any of us.

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Several years ago I chipped the ends off of my two front teeth. I had them bonded, and it held for almost 10 years, then the bond broke one day while I was eating wings.I decided to go w/ a much more permanent solution and get permanent veneers done.

The veneers looked great, but felt VERY awkward for a while. Your tongue is incredibly sensitive, so it notices differences in size and texture, no matter how slight those differences may be.

You'll get used to them, just give it a month or so :rofl:

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Guest NeuralFizz

That sucks man. I know it's nothing to compare, but I had braces when I was a teenager and hated them. You get used to them after a while, but it does take a few months for your mouth to adjust.

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Guest gunslinger707

I've worn denture's for the last 36 yrs.you eventually get used to them.I don't use any of the hold em stuff i have both upper's and lower's you have to learn to use them when eating.I only remove mine for cleaning even keep them in while sleeping.

You will find lot's of thing's are bad for sticking to false teeth ie'most chewing gum candy and white bread.You will alway's develop sore spot's on the gum's occasionally just learn to live with it lol.

My advice would just keep wearing them you will eventually get used to them. When eating keep the lower's in take small bite's and learn to put some food on each side while chewing hope this help's !

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Thanks for the input all, ive had them for about 4 months now, but just quit useing the glue about 4 or 5 days ago, thats why im having such difficulty.Almost all my zinc poisoning symptoms are gone too!be back to normal in a week or so. :( thank ya!

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Guest 1817ak47

so even though it is there fault they don't pay for hospital bills and vehicle??? isn't that what insurance is for if a person can afford it???

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Guest clsutton21
so even though it is there fault they don't pay for hospital bills and vehicle??? isn't that what insurance is for if a person can afford it???

Did you read the part about FLA being a no fault state?

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Guest 1817ak47

ummm yes, but the fact that the person who was at fault isn't responsible for both injurys and damage to your vehicle, that sounds to screwed up, but I do know some people who live there and they have some lousy laws

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Three things come to mind, and I say this with experiance.

1. if you have to use the glue they ain't right.

2. some things will always be different.

and 3. You will get used to them, it takes a while.

Now me, I can eat an apple with mine, no glue, bite right into it and take off. I also eat most anything I want.

I'll add this as a PS, not trying to gross anyone out but this has to be said. If you get anything under them, don't be shy, get it out. Little crap will cause the most pain I have ever seen.

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Well thanks all, i have coped with the fact that im never eating twizlers again:(, im getting there, and yes dralarms ive figured that out, i ushually hit the mens room and rinse out my mouth with water. And rice is a problem also, if i take out my bottoms then its not that bad though. And dear lord, i CANT wait to eat an apple!!! i now take alot less things for granted!

Edited by spookboy
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Guest BMcCoy

Dude, don't feel bad... At least you have a cool story for yours. I'm 29 and have had mine for a little over 2 years I think. Not bad hygeine, more like bad genes. My mom and dad both had bad teeth. I just have an upper partial. I have 4 of MY teeth left on the top. Take it from people with experience, it takes a lot of getting used to.


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i have coped with the fact that im never eating twizlers again


As I said before I eat anything I want, Jerky, Apples, Taffy (now that takes some practice), Snickers bar (nuts are hell though), even almost frozen zero bars.

I had bad teeth from lack of care and military experimanters (can't call em dentists). Had em all yanked in 92, 1st set of teeth I glued in for about 2 years until I reliased, I went to a different denture place and had a cheap set made, I just replaced them this spring and only because they cracked, I did catch you know what from the dentist. They were wore out. Asked me what I had been eating with them. I told him anything I wanted.

2 things to consider, if you get your first set within 6 to 9 months of having your teeth pulled (unless you went from teeth to dentures in 1 sitting (very painful from what I was told) you will need to replace or reline them within 1 year, second try affordable dentures, unless you have a "special needs mouth" they can fix you up for less than 4 bills.

Oh and get a dremel tool, with sanding drums. Get some popcicle sticks or anything else to "adjust" to get the hang of the tool BEFORE you touch your dentures, and only take a very small amount at a time cause you can't put it back.

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