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Britain Gets MORE CCTV In The Sky


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CCTV in the sky: police plan to use military-style spy drones | UK news | The Guardian

Police in the UK are planning to use unmanned spy drones, controversially deployed in Afghanistan, for the ­"routine" monitoring of antisocial motorists, ­protesters, agricultural thieves and fly-tippers, in a significant expansion of covert state surveillance.

The arms manufacturer BAE Systems, which produces a range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for war zones, is adapting the military-style planes for a consortium of government agencies led by Kent police.

Documents from the South Coast Partnership, a Home Office-backed project in which Kent police and others are developing a national drone plan with BAE, have been obtained by the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act.

They reveal the partnership intends to begin using the drones in time for the 2012 Olympics. They also indicate that police claims that the technology will be used for maritime surveillance fall well short of their intended use – which could span a range of police activity – and that officers have talked about selling the surveillance data to private companies. A prototype drone equipped with high-powered cameras and sensors is set to take to the skies for test flights later this year.

The Civil Aviation Authority, which regulates UK airspace, has been told by BAE and Kent police that civilian UAVs would "greatly extend" the government's surveillance capacity and "revolutionise policing". The CAA is currently reluctant to license UAVs in normal airspace because of the risk of collisions with other aircraft, but adequate "sense and avoid" systems for drones are only a few years away.

More at link...I like this part...

Far more sophisticated than the remote-controlled rotor-blade robots that hover 50-metres above the ground – which police already use – BAE UAVs are programmed to undertake specific operations. They can, for example, deviate from a routine flightpath after encountering suspicious ­activity on the ground, or undertake numerous reconnaissance tasks simultaneously.

Yay! I'm off to buy model rockets.

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One with a car bomb? :D

Not in a story from the Home Office as reported by The Guardian.

The sharia supporters and anti-western extremists should begin to howl about their civil liberties in 3...2...even though they won't be watched for fear of finally setting a match to the powderkeg that is the London suburbs. Perhaps they can get Eric Holder to file a "disparate impact" suit on their behalf just in case.

Meanwhile, the ordinary English will sit back and let themselves live out a twisted version of "The Truman Show".:rolleyes:

If you haven't read "While Europe Slept" by American author Bruce Bawer, I highly recommend it. It's an eye-opener.

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