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Mission Trip


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I have a friend who the Lord has led to spread his word to those who otherwise may not have heard it. He generally spends his vacations in less than privileged countries being a Shepard for God. I could tell he has been a little bummed lately and come to find out, well times are tough for everyone right now and the money just isn't there the way it has been in years past. The trip this year is planned for El Chaupi, Ecuador in mid to late February at a cost of about $1500. I contacted my friends and family and we scrounged up a little but still far from what is needed. Then the Lord laid it on my heart to help with what i did have. So I quickly threw together a website for him so that we could get the word out there to those who may be willing to help. So i thought i would put a link to it here so you guys could check it out. If the Lord leads you to donate or not, just helping spread the word would be greatly appreciated. There is also a very interesting video in the website that helps explain the need for these mission trips. Any donations will go strictly to the mission trips and not a penny to anything else. If by chance we exceed what is needed for this years trip, the extra will go towards the next trip. It looks bleak right now that we will meet the goal but I feel if i can get the word out to enough people, than the Lord will take care of what i can't. Sorry for such a long post but Thank You for bearing with me. If you have any questions on anything feel free to PM me.

Soldiers For Christ

Edited by HitowerInc
bad spelling
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