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How many guns have you bought this year?


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Guest GT_Rat

I don't think anyone is going to argue against the benefits of good training. Nobody wants to be browbeaten over it either. Not everybody has the time/money to go to a training class at the drop of a hat. I don't have time to go to the TGO deal next month because it falls on my anniversary. If it were on a different weekend I would be there. Does that mean I shouldn't be allowed to go and buy the AR-15 that I want next payday?

For the record I didn't complain to Dave about people beating on the training issue either. I do however think it is starting to sound more like the emphasis is on trying to drum up business than trying to get people to improve their skills. Maybe I'm wrong... :D

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...I do however think it is starting to sound more like the emphasis is on trying to drum up business than trying to get people to improve their skills. Maybe I'm wrong... :D

I agree with that assessment... free advertising, per-se. Not that there's anything ethically wrong with that, it just seems more genuine when the feedback is from customers... not as a pseudo-commercial.

And, for the record, I have no interest in trying to influence Tungsten how to run his own site, one way or the other. Interacting with people on the internet requires a thick skin. I choose to come here, like everyone else... and there's no stipulation that we all have to agree. It simply becomes more obvious over time who can do so with some class, and who can't...

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To me, people that want professional training and get it are fine. People that don't want professional training and do it themselves are fine as well. There are people that want professional training but can't afford it, and they're fine too. The problem I have is with people that buy a brand new gun and decide to carry it without even putting 50 rounds through it to make sure it's reliable. A person needs to practice their firearms skills. Whether it's at a formal trianing school, the local range, or in your backyard, a person must keep their skills sharp and make sure that the gun that they use will actually work each and every time they need it to and put the bullets where they need to go.

Oh, and I'm not a complainer either.

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Back on topic. In the last calender year, I have traded off a Kimber Eclipse for an AR, traded a Kahr PM9 for a Sub-Compact XD, bought a Kel-Tec P3AT for the wife and then traded it for a Kel-Tec P32 for her, traded off a shotgun and the Sub-Compact XD for a 1911, traded that 1911 for another 1911. There was alot of boot exchanging hands as well as firearms the last year for me.

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