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Trophy hunters

Guest GunTroll

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Guest adamoxtwo

I completely understand. I am more interested in fostering a show that can be used as an example for kids to watch and learn how to be an ethical hunter. I'll just stuff that away in the good idea box for now. Thanks folks

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Guest GunTroll

That or your choice of footwear might draw interest. It could go 50/50.

There are those two guys from Arkansas that have a show. If they can do it...anyone can.

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Guest GunTroll

Why do we call those sorts hunters? I am a hunter. I don't do that sort of thing. Maybe we should start calling them what they are? POS rack killers. Or whatever else you choose other than trophy hunter. Stop lumping me into the POS catogory as well as my fellow sportsmen that are looking for bigger, better deer that fit two needs with one kill...meat, horn.

There should be a clear distinction between meat hunters (who never even see the antler, you know the..if its brown its down crowd who are ethical), Trophy hunters ( you know, ethical sportsman who choose to shoot mature game), and then the POS guys who have no regard for the animals life, QDM, its meat, and what non-hunting types think of us all as a whole.

I am a trophy hunter. I have never killed and disgraced an edible animal. I am not directing my frustration at anyone here.

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Guest adamoxtwo

Why can't folks who hunt ethically just be called hunters. If they choose to hunt only Mature Animals that sill makes them just hunters. If the collect a nice trophy along the way that's their right. For those people who hunt for the trophy and only the trophy (no regard for the meat at all just the heads.....they always take the heads) they can be called trophy hunters because that's their only concern. I see that as the most common perception of the two. But I have been told I see things in black and white rather than a color spectrum. I think you can only fall within one of these two categories. JMHO

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I think there is a differance between a poacher and a trophy hunter. Unless you are talking about those trophy hunters busted on Fort Campbell this past spring. Just because a person hunts for meat and not racks, doesn't mean that person has a "if it's brown it's down" attitude. I'm a meat hunter, and in the past 3 years of having this property, I have let MORE deer walk with a FREE PASS, than what I have taken. I guess that makes me a QDMM. Quility Deer Meat Manager. I have taken some really nice racks, that just happened to be attached to the deer I decided to take. I have taken some really tiny racks, that just happened to be attached to the deer I decided to take. I have also taken more Does than anything. Little ones, big ones and some in between. My food plots this year are planted to produce body mass, not antlers. I'm sure it will work hand in hand, but I'm striving for BIGGER DEER, not BIGGER RACKS. SO....that make me a QDMM. I'm not a trophy hunt. I'm not a poacher. I'm not "if it's brown, it's down" kinda person. I'm a deer herd manager...period.

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Guest GunTroll
Why can't folks who hunt ethically just be called hunters. If they choose to hunt only Mature Animals that sill makes them just hunters. If the collect a nice trophy along the way that's their right. For those people who hunt for the trophy and only the trophy (no regard for the meat at all just the heads.....they always take the heads) they can be called trophy hunters because that's their only concern. I see that as the most common perception of the two. But I have been told I see things in black and white rather than a color spectrum. I think you can only fall within one of these two categories. JMHO

Well, my opinion is better than yours so pipe down you! J/K ;)

I do not accept your ideology, classification. Feel free to do the same. All I ask is don't lump me in with shetbags some of you keep identifying as "trophy hunters". You should be offended by the latter half of that description being used on those folks like I am when the first part is used. They are neither. ___________ insert your own descriptive word there.

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Guest GunTroll
I think there is a differance between a poacher and a trophy hunter. Unless you are talking about those trophy hunters busted on Fort Campbell this past spring. Just because a person hunts for meat and not racks, doesn't mean that person has a "if it's brown it's down" attitude. I'm a meat hunter, and in the past 3 years of having this property, I have let MORE deer walk with a FREE PASS, than what I have taken. I guess that makes me a QDMM. Quility Deer Meat Manager. I have taken some really nice racks, that just happened to be attached to the deer I decided to take. I have taken some really tiny racks, that just happened to be attached to the deer I decided to take. I have also taken more Does than anything. Little ones, big ones and some in between. My food plots this year are planted to produce body mass, not antlers. I'm sure it will work hand in hand, but I'm striving for BIGGER DEER, not BIGGER RACKS. SO....that make me a QDMM. I'm not a trophy hunt. I'm not a poacher. I'm not "if it's brown, it's down" kinda person. I'm a deer herd manager...period.

I have no idea what to call you. I'll come up with something and let you know ;) .

Mature, doesn't mean massive rack BTW. Not telling you anything you don't know though WD. I like mature over rack size all day. So on that point, I believe we see eye to eye.

Those guys that got busted are a great representation of what idiots are. They will pay. And they will be made an example for all other idiots to see. They might be trophy _________ . But they are not hunters.

The negative condemnation/perseption of a "trophy hunter" needs to changed. The use of those two words in conjunction just doesn't work for me when describing folks like the Campbell idiots for example. If they are called hunters, the masses would be offended, right? So, throw trophy in front of that (hunter) and it is a negative description of their actions. I see no negative in what I do.

At least I have tried.


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We won't lump you in that crowd. But just out of curiosity, what do you call a person who shoots a buck, takes it RACK off it's head, removes the backstraps and leave the rest to rot? Not a "meat" hunter....he/she would take it all. It seems the primary objective was the rack. Most likely a scrub buck that they didn't want to waste a "tag" on. Oh well.....we can't change the world!

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All I know is I try and shoot older class bucks, and I don't leave the carcass in the woods to rot. I eat the meat and cherish the rack. I kill a few does too. I know that this thread didn't mean to piss a few people off but, it may have. I'm done with this thread.

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Me too. I killed a creepy looking spike buck 3 years ago, and the biologisty from TWRA aged him (by teeth) at about 6-6 1/2 years old. Kiley's 12 pointer was aged at 2-2 1/2. I still can't figure where the "age" of a buck comes into play. I do know when I scope a "doe" and he/she/it, has knobs on it's head, I figure it's a young buck, and I let it walk! That's the best I can do!

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