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Something that could only happen to me

Guest kwikrnu

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Guest kwikrnu

I've been wanting an FN57 for several years now. I keep waiting and they keep going up in price. Anyway Phil posts one yesterday afternoon and it is too late for me to fight traffic to go get it. I call this morning to verify the price and make sure it hasn't been sold then I make the trip to his shop. I know the shop because I took the HCP class from them in spring 2001. Anyway, the nice guys were running the checks and I hear a familiar voice behind the partition. No, it isn't Phil's, it is the crazy woman who took out an order of protection against me in April. She tells the story of when I went beating her door down and threatening her, and other crap that never happened. She said she took pictures, which she did when I was across the street with my gun holstered. She mentioned she could have gotten her shotgun out...I was thinking and shoot at me while I was standing across the street?

I got a kick out of it. I wish I could have seen her face if they a break while I was there.:shrug:

Pretty wierd coincidence that I would be purchasing a gun at the exact same time this lady is talking about the time she took out an order of protection against me.

Thanks Goodlettsville Gun Shop for the awesome deal on the Hestral. Now I just have to save up for the ammo.

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I believe that story like I believe in aliens. Actually if Mike .357 told me aliens landed at his house, took his daughter, and shot his dog with a laser, I would offer to drive to his house and spend the next 2 days hunting the alien scum down. I'm waiting for this to just get better and better...

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trolls are like stray dogs, quit feeding them and they go away...

It's been my experience that an air rifle pumped just once can speed the process...


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