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Wild Hog MOU

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I read the TN Wildlife article about the Partnering Against Wild Hogs and am curious how prolific they really are. Are land owners seeing an uptick in rooting? How long have they had this MOU in place?

I'm interested in finding a land owner that would like help eliminating them. If anybody is willing to share private info, I can help with most of the necessary equipment.

Please post thoughts about local hog hunting locations and methods.
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There are no local hog hunting except a limited number of WMA's. All the landowners around with hogs are collecting big bucks from hunters to hunt hogs. In my opinion it's worse now than when hunting hogs was allowed! Land owner's seen a way to make money year round and are cashing in on it!

Good luck on your search!

Dave S
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Guest SpicyMchaggis

I can understand that. I'm going to tx in feb. the land owner is charging us room and board for 3 days. Unguided, unlimited, and unrestricted fun.

It'll soon turn into a large invasion and force the TWRA to change the rules?


What that trip costing you if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking for an affordable trip. 

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What that trip costing you if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking for an affordable trip. 

I got a steal at $1200 for up to 5 guys.  Turns out this is more of an eradication trip that a trophy hunt.  Hence the cost covers room, board, and baiting.  It's post deer season and working directly with the land owner to get the hogs out of the local watering holes.   TX lets you hunt at night too:)


It was suggested that we pull a trailer with a freezer to fill, using an attached generator will keep the bacon fresh.


It would be great to find a TN land owner that has the same needs.  I'm game for setting up more trips over the winter.

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I read the article, which seems mostly an overview of the new regs, and highlights the list of MOUs.


What I didn't get, was an example of next steps and how the stakeholders would participate to actually address the problem.


So far, it seems heavy on administration, and vague on application.



Anyone have better insight than I ? What are they really doing ?






(BTW, I *did* get a lot out of the artical on bringing up wildlife officers.  It was very well written, informative, and interesting.)

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