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OK Farmers . . .

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Guest db99wj

Hell, I don't know. I'm trying to figure out how to keep the insects, birds and/or yard rats from eating my tomato's. I"m worried about when my squash and cucumbers come start coming in. Frustrating.

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Guest db99wj
I do have something that worked for me last year . . . I hung aluminum pie pans on tomato stakes suspended with monofilament line. Wind blew them around . . . kept squirrels and wabbits away

Thanks, running to store for pie plates!

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Guest Verbal Kint
I do have something that worked for me last year . . . I hung aluminum pie pans on tomato stakes suspended with monofilament line. Wind blew them around . . . kept squirrels and wabbits away


Works well. My grandfather used this method in his garden to keep the pests away. :confused:

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Guest Jason F.

I do not know about the black joints. My pepper plants have black joints on the stems but they are sending out peppers like crazy. I have already harvested several. My tomato plants are also cranking out huge fruit. I had to stake them up better yesterday as they were getting heavy and bending the stalks down badly at the base. I think they are about a week to a week and a half from first harvest.

I had a fair bit of early insect problems but have them pretty well under control with a liquid Sevin spray. These were all started indoors this year before last frost so they may be a little further ahead of yours if you started from seed or after last frost.

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You should avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers, it can cause your exact description, lots of lush growth and little to no fruit. Hotter peppers can be produced with a reduced water ration, milder peppers from more/normal water. That's about the extent of my pepper knowledge, hope it helps.

Edited by ACMM
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Guest db99wj
I do not know about the black joints. My pepper plants have black joints on the stems but they are sending out peppers like crazy. I have already harvested several. My tomato plants are also cranking out huge fruit. I had to stake them up better yesterday as they were getting heavy and bending the stalks down badly at the base. I think they are about a week to a week and a half from first harvest.

I had a fair bit of early insect problems but have them pretty well under control with a liquid Sevin spray. These were all started indoors this year before last frost so they may be a little further ahead of yours if you started from seed or after last frost.

I didn't start until after last frost and I actually started a little late, Oh and that I killed the first round of cucumber and squash, they were small plants and got damaged in a heavy, heavy, heavy rain.:devil:.

Oh, my pumpkins are growing like weeds! Getting more flowers on my T'maters.

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