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Music Lovers in East Tennessee


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Fivestring, what's "Old Timer's Day?"

I love Townsend and I love going there this time of year. I might take a ride down there with my son Saturday. Are they having bluegrass music?

Do you know if Timbers restaurant still in business? That place is awesome!

You ever stay at Ye Old Mill camp grounds? That place has got to be my fondest vacation memory!

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Strick, no I haven't stayed there but the name sounds familiar. Is it on the river? I have rented a cabin there (same one) a few times. It's privately owned and has a huge oak tree growing right up through the front porch.....has a hot tub on the porch too.....a fireplace....and furnished with some beautiful antiques inside....very cool. The lady that owns it has several that she rents out....I believe she calls them Hideaway Cabins and the one I like is called the Crow's Nest.

Townsend is absolutely my favorite place to go around here. I love driving/hiking through Cades Cove too. I actually haven't been down there since my son was born. I need to take him down there, maybe go into Cades Cove and hike a couple trails. I used to hike all the time, but my knees are totally shot and I'm lucky if I can limp a mile these days.....but I still like to push myself and hike as much as I can.

So anyone know what's going on there for Old Timer's Day?

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It is the last one for Roy's . I'm pretty sure everything in the store has to go.

Old Timers Day is just a bunch of pickers that get together to jam, mostly at the Welcome Center in Townsend. Bluegrass, old time, country, whatever you want to play. Lots of picking in the campgrounds also.

Timbers is still open.

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