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Close Range Gunfighting Lewisburg TN June 27-28

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Suarez International

June 27-28, 2015
Lewisburg, Tennessee

Price $350

Instructor: Randy Harris



This is our flagship course and goes as far as you can safely go on a square range with live-fire pistols. The dynamic curriculum surpasses the traditional handgun methods commonly taught in most institutions and focuses of the use of the pistol in aggressive close range applications likely in individual civilian street encounters.


The class begins with a tune-up of the fundamentals, then we progress quickly to new skills such as Proactive and Reactive Manipulations, Shooting While Moving Off The X, Reality-Based Multiple Hostiles Engagement, 360 degree CQB Movement, Danger-Close Fighting, Bilateral Shooting, 360 degree After Action Assessment Methods, and Integrating the Flashlight and Other Tools into the Firing Platform. This is the life-saving material that is often ignored in many other programs. In two days, you will receive more information than most armed professionals ever get!


We must point out that THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR THE NOVICE SHOOTER. If you have not received basic instruction, or have a question about your skill level, please call us first.


DURATION: 2 days


TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM


AMMUNITION: Approximately 500 rounds (Minimum)



Spare clothing appropriate to the weather. Lunch, snacks and water (minimum of 1 gallon per person) for the entire day. Baseball or other style hat, sun screen, bug repellent, allergy medication (if needed), chair (if you have a problem with sitting on the ground, note taking paper/pen/pencil and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape).


Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection).



Range information, directions, local hotels, and contact information will be Emailed after purchase, contact the office if you haven't received information for your class.


Fro more info and to register.......http://www.suarezinternationalstore.com/150627-close-range-gunfighting-lewisburg-tn.aspx#.VNtlTfnF8as

Edited by Cruel Hand Luke
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The last day for you to sign up and me be able to hand you a certificate in class is probably the Thursday before the class...so probably the 25th? You can sign up after that but I'll have to mail the certificate to you after class if you are not signed up by that Thursday.


Hope to see you there!

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