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Posts posted by BigPoppa

  1. If your HCP Instructor told you that there is a hard and fast rule or Tennessee law regarding shooting someone with a knife at a specified distance, he is misinformed.

    For example, if (as I understand you) he said you can shoot a knife-armed assailant at 17 feet, but not 18 feet, that's not correct.

    I'm hoping that you perhaps misunderstood him using a variation of the Tueller Drill that Harold mentioned.

    If you didn't misunderstand him, then I would question other aspects of his instruction.

  2. Murfreesboro voters:

    As you may recall, last year, each City Council incumbent running for re-election this year, including Mayor Bragg, voted to "opt out" of the Local Parks Carry Law.

    For that reason (and others) I will not be voting for the incumbent Mayor, or any of the incumbent Councilmen running this year (Mrs. McFarland, Young, or Edwards).

    I have just finished a conversation with Council Candidate Mark Nobles. I pointedly asked him about crime issues, and specifically the Parks "opt out" situation.

    Briefly, my impression of him was that he was and would be respectful of 2A rights and HCP holders. He advised me that he also held a HCP and carried daily. Mr. Nobles seemed knowledgeable and current on issues of interest to HCP holders and other legally armed citizens.

    It is my intention to cast one of my Council votes for Mr. Nobles, and I would recommend that you consider him also.

  3. + 1

    errrrr......ummm.........I don't mean "tolerable"

    I mean "even more fantastic and extra hella awesome than it already is !!" :popcorn:

    yeah..........that's what I meant to say. :-\


  4. I told you I would take you but I have to wait for the right day as you didn't want to go when it was hot, raining, or to cold :rolleyes:.

    Correct.....also I don't want to get my boots dirty, no ticks or chiggers, and you must keep me well fed. :tinfoil:


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