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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. I am probably the only Alabama resident with a TGO sticker on his truck (and Jeep for that matter). I guess most people don't have a clue what it represents. That's the only sticker other than the obligatory "if you can read this, turn me over" one on the TJ.

  2. After living in Nashville for the past 28 years, the wife and I relocated to Huntsville this weekend. It's definitely strange to think about living in another state. But a career opportunity I couldn't pass up came along. This has been a strange weekend to say the least.

    I'm didn't move far; I plan on staying around TGO. There are too many good guys that I've met over the years on here. Too much still for me to learn. I'll just be a lot less active in the firearms classifieds!

    • Like 3
  3. Just got back from a business trip in Atlanta. Stay vigilant while you are there. Someone decided to shatter my driver side truck window so they could steal my first aid kit... A total of 7 cars had windows shattered in the hotel parking lot. This was in mid-town Atlanta at a Courtyard.

    The local hotel said Marriott would contact me to take care of things. Well today they did. Only their idea of "taking care of things" was to give me a claim number and say to file a claim with my insurance. While that is Marriott's right, they have signs everywhere saying to leave no valuables, park at own risk, etc., it's my right to choose another hotel from now on. I've probably spent 90 nights in that hotel over the last few years.

    Rant over - whew that felt good!

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, MemHeli said:

    I have a model made by IBM!  Being into technology, I am especially fond of and fascinated by the manufacturer.  



    I looked for an IBM for years before I found one that was in good condition and I could afford. As a software nerd, it only made sense to have an IBM vs. a Rockola.

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, KahrMan said:

    Interesting.  Never had that problem with mine but did not shoot it that much either before I sold it.

    I never had that problem with mine either - oh yeah, that one was yours at one time... :) I've since sold it to another TGOer.

  6. 6 hours ago, bubbadavis said:

    This is a question better addressed to my wife...

    Full disclosure: she gave me my most expensive firearm several years ago. Nothing else comes even close. I've actually been looking at guns in a shop and tell her 'I'm thinking about it'; keep browsing; turn around and she's filling out paperwork on the gun...

    Yep, she's a keeper!

    And before anyone asks, she has two sisters. Both are already married.

  7. 1 hour ago, gr8smiles said:

    Walmart parking lots are heavily video-taped and that could provide some security in the event that you needed it. I have bought and sold many guns and usually have the buyer come to my office. It's safe, public, and my turf. No one has ever had an issue with that, as far as I know. I've met people at gun ranges, gun store lots, Home Depot, Walmart, church parking lots, truck stops, restaurants, even a parking lot at UT when moving my daughter into school.

    The main thing is that you are comfortable with the buyer/seller. I usually flash my TDL or HGP. Some ask for a bill of sale, I have no issue either way.

    I had some fears to overcome - but that was due to meeting at a dentist office! Too many bad memories...

    • Like 1


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