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Posts posted by bubbadavis

  1. I usually just slowly reel them in... After about 10 minutes of asking 'how do I do that?", etc. I tell them I only have Macintosh machines and Linux servers in the house. They usually hang up on me then!

    I also tell the credit card people I need to get a new card ASAP; because my bankruptcy hasn't closed yet. I've had them tell me they couldn't help me...

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, monkeylizard said:


    On a somewhat lighter note, I was locked out of my house because I went for a walk before the power went out. My wife and I had gone for a walk in the neighborhood and I only took the garage door remote with me. Oops. Lesson learned.

    Were you carrying an AR and participating in the neighborhood watch? 

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  3. 30 minutes ago, monkeylizard said:

    What else should she have done? Kept driving along a darkened winding road taking an important call that's requiring her attention? Just pulled over on the non-existent shoulder? She did exactly as she was supposed to do.

    Dude playing Rick Grimes is a paranoid jackass. If Bellevue can go through the floods we went through in 2010 without devolving into Lord of the Flies, a simple power outage hardly justifies patrolling with a long gun. Cell service was up. The low clouds still had that dull pink glow of the Nashville light pollution. It was clear this wasn't some widespread EOTWAWKI event, and Bellevue is not exactly a powder-keg waiting for any little thing to send us all into a rampaging looting frenzy.


    As far as the cul-de-sac goes, (and I'm only guessing) it was likely one of several "neighborhoods" on the main road that leads to the neighborhood where KahrMan and I live. There are 3 or 4 in a row that are little more than a cul-de-sac with 20-30 houses.

    But it's Bellevue! You obviously need someone to lay down suppressive fire while you evaluate the threat...:)


    I live across the main road from monkeylizard and KahrMan. My biggest concern when walking around at night are the neighborhood dogs! I went for a short walk when the power went out just to take in the peace and quiet.

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  4. 30 minutes ago, Raoul said:

    I think everyone just needs to pretend to be an adult. If you're so dogmatic that you can't stomach a dissenting opinion either ignore or block the thread.

    Man up guys.

    I completely disagree... :)

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