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Everything posted by Jcoop

  1. Had one, a bit noisy for my taste and takes to, way to long to reload! Lol
  2. Please leave that pop gun at the house, we only have till dark to run the match.
  3. I'll be at the Masters in AL, you know I would if I was here.
  4. Yes sir I've been at it for 3.5 years and learn something new every time I go shoot, so 8hrs isn't to bad. Roberts a great shooter/teacher and guy, you will not be disappointed. He's been in the game a long time and knows loads of info, he coached me along when I first got started and now I'm forever grateful. If your on the fence about it I can assure you it will be money well spent.
  5. Scores: https://practiscore.com/results.php?uuid=1a035d71-f55a-4056-8ef3-9be52d3d0259&page=overall-combined Thanks to everyone that came out to play!
  6. Hahaha! well it never hurts to try new things.
  7. Yup it's official, I can't see in indoor ranges. Good to get the old crew together and see new faces. Boys you done a fine job last night! Had a large time and will do it again. Go team Awesome Sauce!!!!
  8. Come and shoot some cardboard. Bill will have 5, 6 or even 7 great stages, rain or shine. Be there by 12:00 going hot by 12:30. 150 rds should do it but probably only 100, the more the better. New shooters are always welcome. Should be a nice HOT! Sunday, keep your fingers crossed, see you there. Walden Ridge Shooting Range 1862 16th Model Rd Manchester,Tn 37355 Members $10 Nonmember $15 This is an IDPA event so concealment is needed. New shooters( to the sport) do not apply on concealment. You'll need 3 magazines (2 will work) and some good holsters. Sorry for last month, me a the folks from the range were busy getting our shoot on in Virginia.
  9. Ha! Indoors shooting and my crap eye sight, I don't think I do very well.
  10. Prizes!!!! What all the brass you can pick up. LOL Sounds like fun, I'll be there for the first night TAP stile!
  11. On the man vs man night, I'm bringing the Hollywood magazine! You know like the dudes in the movies use, that never ever run out.
  12. It may be in the small end of the barrel! Oh and make sure the mag out before you look, just saying! I know how you are.
  13. Nope not me, I already know to many! Infamous people.
  14. Scores: http://www.gallatingun.com/idpa/2015-07-11.htm
  15. You bet. You shot like a boss yesterday too my friend. Well done!
  16. The "Old Guys" said you talked them in to leaving!
  17. I've got you covered, and Joe that new toy is going to be tite!
  18. The more the merrier! We can never have too much help.


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