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csaxj3 last won the day on October 4 2022

csaxj3 had the most liked content!

About csaxj3

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    Guns, Guitars, and UT football
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. I've got 7.62x39 for you. Need to count up what I've got. BRB
  2. Would entertain a HK VP9 or bulk 9mm or .45 ammo.
  3. TTT, have some folding money I could always add as well. Or other pistols. Would also consider: mossberg 590 retrograde
  4. This is a tertiary back up to the other backups and figure someone else can enjoy it. What you see is what you get: - P2K DA/SA with decocker, 9mm - 2 13rd mags - T1C AIWB holster $600 $500 for everything or would trade for/towards 9mm 1911's (preferably commander sized), Tisas DS Carry, or Springfield Prodigy. Williamson Co.
  5. Figured I'd try another G19, and like the dozen before it, it's not for me. My loss is your gain. Glock 19 Gen5 4 mags Direct mill services done by Mapleleaf Firearms. EPS Carry 6 MOA, orange tritium front ameriglo and black rear. $700 middle TN. SOLD Would trade towards the following: Colt Series 70 1911's / Les Baer 1911's / Springfield SACS 1911's / ACW 1911's / Dan Wesson Valor or Specialist
  6. Have cash, Glocks, HK’s. looking for a Springfield Professional or Les Baer TRS.


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