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About reewik

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  • Location
    La Vergne, TN
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  • Occupation
    Global Project doer


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  • Carry Weapon #1
  • Carry Weapon #2
    S&W Model 60

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  1. The sale is pending for a couple weeks. They buyer is attending to some of the Hurricane Relief.
  2. $500.00 Yes you can buy a new one for $500. It will not come with a set of NS nor grip stippling so if you want it this is what I have to have. This will come with one factory 15 round mag. Let me know if you are interested. Not interested in trades. This is my bottom dollar price.
  3. I did a trade for this ammo and decided I really could use the money for some other ammo. $525.00
  4. I am just looking to swap out colors if anyone is interested.. Mine is fairly new with rubs from the holster.
  5. The feedback I have seen out there is about 2 to 3 weeks but just like any other company out there they say these things to save face. Heck I took my Jeep to the dealer for a recall and they said 30-45 days and it was done in two weeks.
  6. Yup tried different ammo.. and WWB gives me no issues in any other guns that I own.. But yeah, I am gonna shop for some new ammo after I go thru this as it is obvious the best ammo is no longer the best, LOL
  7. Oh I have tried it all.. I have gone thru just one round in the mag, 2 rounds in the mag, half full mags, full mags, glock mags. I have tried every possible combination of parts from my Gen 3 19 trying to find the issue myself before involving ZEV. All without success as we ran thru what I did again while on the phone. The bullets are even being set back in the case further so I had to scrap some brand new factory ammo so I did not get pressure issues. (I reload so know the specs)
  8. I bought this gun on 8-17 at Bass Pro. I was not able to try it out other then cylceling the slide for a few days so I went to the range and gave it a try. First mag loaded up with Win white box 115's. Dropped the slide and FTF. I figured the gun is brand new, no big deal right. I smacked the back of the slide and it closed and it fired all 17 rounds. Next mag, same thing, next mag same thing. ETC... I was able to fire 130+ rounds with just the first round FTFing on me. I contacted Zev and TT Erik who was fantastic. He sent me a new extractor set up. I put it in and same FTF's are taking place. I went as far as changing out all the factory ZEV slide components out for my Gen 3 G19 parts again FTF's. I contacted Erik back and I am sending the gun in for a looksie. The 3 mags all function as designed in my G19 gen 3. I put my Zev slide on my Glock frame and still FTF.. I will let ya know when I get the gun back.. should be 6-8 weeeks or so.
  9. I have a P365 with a Wilson Combat grip module and a Sig module. Both modules run Sig 17 round mags. Upgraded the trigger to the straight trigger kit. Comes with 5 holsters and the original case, original curved trigger too. I am gonna move this little dude for $550 just to move it out.
  10. Sorry that is long gone . closed the add


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