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Posts posted by MP5_Rizzo

  1. 8 minutes ago, nightrunner said:

    Not the R51 but I saw yesterday that CDNN has the RM380 and RP9 on sale for $169.99. I’m thinking Remington should have just stuck with long guns...

    Or maybe just the pistol line in the way of XP 100's.

  2. 37 minutes ago, peejman said:

    Right, won/loss record is nearly meaningless when you have a rich and loyal fan base who will spend lots of money traveling to a meaningless football game.  If they get a bowl game, it'll be somewhere warm. 

    Something like the Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl?

    St. Petersburg Bowl

    • Like 2
  3. I was never a Shelby County resident but two of my college buddies went to med school in Memphis.  I spent a many of weekends visiting during that time and almost always included a trip to a range near an old landfill.  Inmates in prison stripes were there working.  I guess your term of range attendants is more fitting. We sent a lot of lead into the backstop at that range until one weekend they told us we had to give them the make, model and serial number of everything we plan to use on the range form then on.  We did not stay and never went back.

  4. I never really gave much thought about tipping until I took a vacation to Australia, 20 plus years ago.  While reading up on things to know one of things discussed was tipping.  It seems that the practice of tipping is a very American thing.  At that time in Australia, tipping was not expected in the service industry and doing so may have been construed as an insult.  I know times and cultural norms are changing so I have no idea if this is still true.  So as for things changing the person that cuts my hair has not in many years.  During the early years I tipped but on the low side. After years of visiting the same person I know just about everything there is to know about my barber, her lifestyle, spending habits, her wants and most of all her needs.  Since I've worked like a dog for over 35 years, my disposable income has moved to a higher level and I will leave an above average tip if I feel like the person providing the service has earned or given me good cause to.

  5. 2 hours ago, KahrMan said:

    Always tip my barber.  Anybody that uses a straight edge razor on my neck I want to keep happy.

    Now all I can think of is this and yes I do tip her very well.


  6. 1 hour ago, KaNuckles said:

    This is very interesting. Excuse my ignorance, but, what is the purpose of the crimp at the bottom of the .44 Colt and the .50 Rem. in the last pic?

    I was not  familiar with this priming method either and had to do some research.  I hope this helps.

    BENET-PRIMED - A common style of inside-primed car-tridge developed by Col. S.V Benet commander of Frankford Arsenal in the late 1860s. It was used extensively in early U.S. military ammunition. A copper or iron cup was secured inside the head of the case by characteristic crimps. This cup served as an anvil to enable the firing pin to activate the priming mixture and also to reinforce the head of the case. benet_primed.gif

    • Like 2
  7. I was very disappointed in the over hyped 100th episode / season premier.  I could go into details but the main problems have been covered so far.  I am always over critiquing these things.  Then it hits me that I may have more than average knowledge on some of the props and situations they get into and most of all  TWD is a fictional story made for entertainment.

    • Like 1
  8. My take is that it depends on the application and the intended use.  Every target rifle I ever saw or used the hand stop was used to hold the hand from forward movement and proper use of a sling would lock your hand into the hand stop and the sling pulls the rifle into your should tight if done properly.   Now a days in tactical scenarios when you are running and gunning the technique is to pull with the offhand so haveing the hand stop behind makes sense as well.

  9. 17 minutes ago, john455 said:

    So your that one old fart I always get behind in line LMBO

    Yeah but then again I've been in line with 1 or 2 customers ahead of me using credit/debit cards, especially the ones with the new chips meaning several attempts to make it work take up much more time than I can write a check.

  10. 25 minutes ago, bersaguy said:

    Since I think he is surrounded by snow so he will be an easy target. I think he is just trying to stay warm..........JMHO

    I think you are correct it was just my first thought when I saw the photo.  My second thought was, I think he ate the entire bear in one sitting before he wrapped the hide over his shoulders.

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  11. I had totally forgotten about this until yesterday while I was visiting with my mother.  She has been going through old family photos and this caught my eye as I strolled by a table scattered with various stacks. My older sister is on the left, two cousins in the middle and me on the right with my Johnny Eagle Break Action Over and Under.  I wish I still had that toy shotgun and maybe not the style but the amount of hair!!  I guess I was destined to be a shotgunner at an early age but didn't figure that out until almost 40 plus years later.



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