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Posts posted by MP5_Rizzo

  1. On 10/12/2017 at 9:20 AM, Wingshooter said:

    I had some local elk last time I was out in OR. I also like it better than deer. :yum:

    I'm not trying to be a smart a$$ but Elk are actually deer.  Elk (Cervus canadensis), is one of the largest species within the deer family, Cirvidae, in the world, and one of the largest land mammals in North America.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Bob T said:

    Thank you. I did re-read REDs post twice, and it really doesn't change my position. I will always support PEACEFUL protests...

    I don't think anyone here disagrees with peaceful protest.   The problem as I see it is when the protest action is being disrespectful to our country and it's symbols.  Just my opinion but these type protest lowers their credibility and tells me they have more to their agenda than what they claim to be protesting.

    • Like 1
  3. FWIW - Just recently I too discovered this by accident.  Thought I was copy and pasting some text when all of a sudden an image popped up.  Just one more of those things I have no understanding of how it works but it sure is nice to cut out a step and make things easier!

  4. 13 hours ago, Fourtyfive said:


    I don’t understand Imgur....how can you post pics without a link ?

    After you upload an image go to all pictures and then click on the one you want to use.  A window should open that looks like the one below and then just click copy direct link.  Then click on insert other media in the lower right of window you are posting in and two options come up.  Click on insert image from URL, paste in the space provided and the click save into post. I hope this helps.


  5. Like the others have stated he claims he's retired and earlier than the average guy thanks to his older brothers assistance.  The shirt label looks like a store brand logo and I'm 99.9% sure I had one just like it a few years ago.  However, I've done a search for sport shirt brand logos and have not found a match yet.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Sam1 said:

    Does anyone think that woman's "analysis" warrants any credibility?  LOL  Her comments are as crazy as that interview itself.

    She lost all credibility with me at 11:39 and I'm really not sure why I stuck with her that long.

  7. 3 hours ago, Ronald_55 said:

    A new one for you guys.....


    You know what they say about people having way too much free time!

    Just my personal opinion here but PS90's in general come out of the box looking ugly and dysfunctional.  It's like someone went out of their way to totally negate the bullpup design principal to make something compact and maneuverable by adding as much nonessential bulk as possible.

  8. 1 hour ago, CZ9MM said:

    Can any of use analyze every camera at the hotel to determine whether anyone left the scene before police arrived? I don't think so.

    I would say it is safe to say Vegas probably has more security cameras than any other city in the USA.  I firmly believe they could tell us every time he or anyone else entered and exited that hallway.  That is unless, whoever put the Shooter movie move on this guy (I'm not implying that I believe this but just playing along with the direction some people are thinking) was smart enough to compromise the equipment to prevent any post event discoveries.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Chucktshoes said:

    I believe the technical term would be "two chairs pushed together."

    I was thinking that and possibly hinged on one side. Since my travels don't include staying in hotels of the likes of Mandalay Bay it's foreign to me.

  10. 34 minutes ago, jonathon1289 said:

    The one photo from inside the room shows a table with what looks like a note on it, held down by a roll of tape.

    Several people on the other forum pointed it out too but I haven't heard/seen anything official.

    Kind of hard to tell with any certainty from these pictures. not enough resolution when you zoom in on them and I'm sure this was done intentionally.


    Ever since I saw this the first time I'm at a loss as to what this piece of furniture is called.  I have some ideas and have not attempted a search yet but is anyone else familiar with it?


  11. 1 hour ago, Bob T said:

    Damn if some of the shooting rate sounded like an M60. Fired plenty rounds though M60 in the service, and it was the first thing I thought when I heard the audio.

    I twas thinking the exact same thing.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Omega said:

    You have a serious infestation problem, I suggest you have a few of us take care of that for you.


    53 minutes ago, KahrMan said:

    That just means we need your permission.....

    Thanks for all the support.  I'm going to give this a go alone and maybe a son or two and if I need reinforcements this will be my go to place! :dirty:

    • Like 1
  13. Here's my take and you can take it for what it's worth.  All these events taking place on the third rock from the sun are interrelated.  Almost everything depends on the action or lack of something else and so therefore all these things are cyclical and there will be peaks and valleys.  Just so happens we get the pleasure of living during the time of a peak in delirious nut balls.

    PS - In no way am I implying or intending to suggest that anyone here is a nut ball. 

  14. Here's to wishing all the big game hunters a great season and what happened at my house this morning.

    I went out to feed and water the dogs as I do every morning and it's not unusual to occasionally see one or two of something like a small buck, a doe, some yearlings, turkey, rabbits, an owl, raccoons, opossum, well just about anything but black panthers and bears so far.  As I walked out the back door this morning a doe was grazing and about that time a small 6 point buck walked out so I just watched.  Then and 8 point buck walked out and then another really nice heavy 8 point buck.  Well I reached for my phone to take a picture and I didn't have it so I went back to get it.  I was only able to get a picture of the 4th by himself  and the last 3.  7 bucks in all trailing 1 doe.  I was in a rush and the pictures are horrible but you can tell what they are.

    And for those wondering, my land is posted and my neighbor is the DA!




  15. 16 hours ago, Jeb48 said:

    In researching the above I found some more tunnel pictures.






    Just an observation but the 3 that are not totally in the tunnels have their fingers on the trigger and the 1 photo of the guy that is does not.

  16. 9 minutes ago, TGO David said:

    Whatever security this store had in place, it didn't cover what these folks pulled off!  HOURS spent inside.

    Seems like I heard that whoever was involved had working knowledge of the security system as it was compromised by the suspects.


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