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Posts posted by Wingshooter

  1. I haven’t shopped at Wallys in years. I guess i got tired of waiting 20min in the only line open behind a hoard of middle-aged women in pajamas, kids crawling around on the floor and bubba’s crack showing... whatever. However, I went in there the other night to grab a quick couple of extra cheap boxes of ammo for a match I was going to shoot the next morning. After an extensive wait for the guy to show up at the counter, he informed me that he couldn’t sell ammo there after a certain time. He sort of was questioning why i needed ammo “at night”. He said it was against state law for him to sell it after a certain time (uninformed snowflake). I told him he was wrong about the state law, handed him the two cartons of ice cream that I was also going to buy, asked him to put those away for me since I had just been reminded why I don’t ever shop there anymore. Walked out. 

    The liberals can have Walmart along with California, and I hope Trump tariffs the crap out of their cheap Chinese suppliers again. Bump it up another 10%.



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  2. 46 minutes ago, DaveTN said:

    I bought an AR pistol to put in my trunk. I’ve now decided I need something with longer range capabilities. The two AR’s I have 15/10 are too expensive to do that with. I see new full-size AR’s at $500 or under though; that might work.

    I have thought about this ever since the 2010 West Memphis police shootings. If I drove into something like that, I would like to be able to do something other than run or take cover and do nothing.

    My AR10 would be the perfect trunk gun. But with nearly $2K in it and the scope; I would need to find something cheaper. I always said if my car was burglarized I would rather they take my handgun than my laptop; my handgun is cheaper and easier to replace. That’s not true of a quality large caliber rifle. :)

    We live in different times.

    Exactly the same for me

  3. Oh my. Nice! I hope he’s there for you when the time comes. He’s a keeper

    I watched a nice big 11 with a big drop tine on my cellular trail camera right up until a few days before the season. Then only glimpses at night :(

    Nice deer on that video for sure

    • Like 1
  4. 19 hours ago, jpx2rk said:

    The legal aspect is it's only legal in that state (state level law) , the Feds still look at it as illegal at the federal level.  The states are looking/wanting the tax revenue dollars, and maybe, just maybe they reduce one or more of the stats they keep so they can justify making it legal.  I wonder what the IRS does with those tax returns when the occupation line states "marijuana producer".   Why don't the Feds go bust 'em right then and there.  Bet the Feds don't return the FIT checks sent along with those federal tax returns either.  LOL

    It’s essentially created a money laundering system and why the cost of housing has spiked around Denver. The drug dealers take their Colorado-legal drug cash revenue and buy houses. Then they sell those houses for as much as they can. That’s the profit that gets reported to the IRS.

  5. On 8/30/2019 at 6:47 PM, Erik88 said:


    Has the war on drugs worked? Yes/no?




    Legal weed is in fact cheaper than illegal weed. Prices in the legal states have plumetted thanks to competition. Capitalism is awesome! :)


    These threads always show the people that actually love freedom and the ones that want government control.

    DeerSlayer, not directing this at you specifically. But you can't simultaneously say that "banning drugs will keep people from getting them" while also saying "banning guns won't keep criminals from getting them." They are one in the same.


    I dunno if I’d say they’re one in the same or that it’s even an argument of freedom vs government control. Unless I missed the Constitutional Amendment that says you have the right to keep and smoke weed or the right to have a heroine needle shall not be infringed. 

    Two different animals IMO. One gives us a right and means to protect against tyranny of government and is specifically addressed in the Constitution, the other induces an altered state of consciousness. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a bunch of druggies wandering (or driving!) around.

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  6. 2 hours ago, buck1032 said:

    I might have to drag the family down there this weekend. We have taken our son onboard the USS Midway Museum in San Diego several time. I retired from the Navy in 05, still don't miss is though. ;) It would be interesting to see and tour this piece of history.

    I’ve visited the USS Midway as well, but I need to get the kids out there too. Very interesting

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  7. 4 hours ago, DaveTN said:

    I hope we don’t have to find out, but I don’t think he would lose enough votes to matter if it was voted in by Congress and he signed it. But if Congress voted in a bill on background checks and he shot it down; stick a fork in him he done. But I don’t think there is going to be a Federal Universal Background check bill. I don’t think it would pass muster with the SCOTUS. I think there will be a push for each state to implement it. (Apply what they already have to all sales)

    But that’s just my WAG; who knows.

    The last election was won on the economy & Jobs, if Trump wins again it will be because of the economy & Jobs. If he loses it will be over immigration. Guns will have zero impact on this election.

    Hmm... I can’t say I agree with the last sentence. Nothing fires up the base like the prospect of 2A infringement. He needs his base to be fired up FOR him on election day. I for one would lose a lot of my motivation for Trump if he backs down on protecting the 2A whereas right now I’m all in to give him another term. I know I'm not alone. I’m certainly not a single issue voter, but guns are part of the foundation. If he blurs the lines between himself and the dems in a big way on guns, then he’s toast IMO

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  8. My parents had one go under their house and die in a far corner of the crawlspace. It smelled like rotting animal AND skunk for weeks. We had to go under there and clean that out!🤭

    I trapped the remaining ones around their house using a live trap with peanut butter bait. I threw a small blanket over the cage and loaded them in the truck bed. Then I released them a few miles away near someone else’s house :stir:

    (not really.... I put them in the woods 😁)

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  9. 47 minutes ago, krunchnik said:

    Scenario:I have a gun for sale-Joe bob wants to buy gun from me so we go to FFL for transfer

    Snafu:Joe bob is prohibited from buying due to felony record

    Recourse:Now what do I and the FFL have to do-

    Do I keep my gun-does the FFL keep a record of Joe Bob-does Jo Bob get pissed off at both of us and try to knife us both-do the cops get called-all good questions that I would bet not one of those snot nosed politicians ever think of.

    Universal Background Checks are pure BS

    Probably just confiscate the gun and arrest both parties on weapons charges.


    Even if Joe Bob was denied due to an error, I think Joe Bob would be forever added to “The List” of special “terrorists” for Frienstein and Squad to babysit.


    On second thought... they’d add us to that list anyway even if we passed the check because that’s why they want UBC. 😟


  10. 24 minutes ago, DaveTN said:

    If they can order something and give me an estimated time for delivery; that would be cool.  Every LGS here will tell me they can order; but have no idea when it will come; if ever. So I use GAG or BUDS.

    I’m not sure about the estimated delivery time. They did find me the Colt SAA I wanted once when no one else could locate one, though. 


    I use Buds a lot too...

  11. I shop at the Chattanooga store quite often. I like it. Sometimes they will have different stuff than the Cabellas/Bass pro down the street.

    unless they changed it since the last time I bought a gun there, they still offer layaway, and you can find good sale prices. If you’re looking for something special, they can order it.

    I think it’s a good store. :up:



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  12. I’m pretty sure I would have laughed in his face believing that he was joking. That’s stupid. What an idiot. I bet they were hotter walking into the store than just sitting in the car’s A/C. Was she in a parking space?

    I might have just driven around the parking lot at 0.1mph just for fun, lol.

    This is another one of the reason’s I have really dark windows on my truck. I hate it when other people try to mind my own business.

    • Like 1
  13. But what does that really mean “meaningful background checks” ?

    I have yet to hear him say he would push for background checks for private sales. I could be wrong, but it sounds like it’s going nowhere to me.


    or maybe I’m just wishful thinking.....


  14. I’m hoping Trump is just placating the dems but has no real intentions of a universal background check. I haven’t kept up 100% lately... is he talking universal checks now or still just the red flag law? 

    He can talk it up all day long until it blows over and never actually do it. That’s what I think. I am a strong Trump supporter UNLESS he pulls something like universal checks. If he does that, then I believe he’s a one-termer. 


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