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Posts posted by Wingshooter

  1. They claim 1/2 mile range between cameras. You can place the home unit near a parking area or somewhere within 1/2ish mile from a remote camera and check the card only at the home unit without a cell plan. All the remote cameras will daisy chain together and forward all the cams pics to the home unit. The cell version works the same way except the home unit will email the pics.

    I’ve been testing them around the yard today. The concept is awesome, but it’s not perfect. The emailed pics are not exactly real time. They are sent in batches and are delayed from real time. It might take 20 mins or 3 hours for a particular pic to show up in my email.

    These cameras also don’t seem as sensitive to movement as some other brands that I have used. Overall I am happy with them, but there is still room for some improvement.

    The cellular Bushnell that I have in the woods now sends a pic within a few minutes, so it’s closer to real time. It’s only one camera on a plan though. 

  2. 59 minutes ago, Omega said:

    Yea, I seen those, but you still need to have an account, it would be great if you could just connect them to your current account instead of paying extra.  Do you leave them out year long?

    I agree. I wish there was a better option. I think it will only improve as this technology becomes more common.

    I just got this system. I got a “home” unit with a camera and two other “remote” cameras. I signed up for $15/mo plan. I can turn it on and off during the year without any contract. I’ll probably pay for the cell plan from about july-december.

    I have a Bushnell cell camera out now since about september, and it’s so exciting to get pics of a big buck at random times. It’s added a new element of fun to our deer hunting property. My latest hunting lease is 4hrs away, so I want the cell so I can get pics more often without making the drive.

    Next season I plan to get a KS lease, so a cell system will be a must.

  3. Does anyone use the Cuddeback Cuddelink system? 

    I just bought the cellular version. You can link up to 16 cameras together and have one “home” unit transmit the pics to email via Verizon cell plan.

    It seems to be working ok right now, but the camera makes a shutter “click” sound when it takes a pic. Anyone else use these cameras?

  4. 14 hours ago, Omega said:

    Like I said, we must stay vigilant, they will throw everything at the wall to see what sticks.  They've failed time and time again with direct attack, so they'll attack at the fringes, making it harder, more checks, taxing ammo, guns etc at a ridiculous rate.  We need to stop allowing those things that will not affect us directly, and fight every single anti gun proposal they present, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.  

    The sad thing is that last Tuesday was our best way to stop it. Hope we don’t lose the senate and WH in 2 years :panic:


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  5. On 10/19/2018 at 3:47 PM, gregintenn said:



    Sorry for the poor pic, but my wife took it in our back yard a few minutes ago. She said the dogs were deathly afraid of it. I've never seen a dog around here that would pass for it, and it looks too big for a coyote. Cinnamon bear cub?


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  6. 13 hours ago, Grunt67 said:

    Caught this pic a few nites ago, in the woods behind my house.  Pic is in grey scale . Appears to be a long, wide beam of light about 30 to 36" in dia., at a slight angle. Definitely not a tree. Goes from the ground up as far as the camera showed.

    Appeared at 2 min. 23 secs past midnite. Large oak tress make a canopy where this was. Light could not make it thru like this. Found no sign of it next morning. Weird. Lots of strange things have occurred back there.




    That must be Scotty. He’s about to get beamed up

  7. On 10/1/2018 at 9:57 AM, owejia said:

    Is carrying in your back pocket comfortable, while sitting down? Hard to get to, if driving? Have not carried a wallet in my back pocket for 20 years always threw my back in a twist. Front pocket seems a better option for comfort. Just asking from some one with personal experience back pocket carrying> Thanks

    I have a Keltec P3AT that I used to carry in my back pocket in a DeSantis Super Fly holster. It looked just like a wallet. I found it to be very comfortable and a very easy way to carry. My only concern was that it might eject the mag by sitting on it, although it never happened. I stopped using that setup only because my Keltec started developing some reliabilty issues, and that was my excuse to buy a G43 :)

    I tried Undertech shorts for that and never looked back. Unbelievably easy and comfortable way to carry any size handgun, IMO.


  8. I’m not burned out, but I’ve been so busy for the last year+ with a new job, house repairs, etc. that my time has been redirected. When I do have time to go shoot, I still feel like I need to catch up on other things. I’m definitely at a lower excitement level for shooting than what is normal for me, but it’s just because i have so much going on right now. I didn’t even go hunting one time last year, and that’s really weird for me.

    I used to have a lot of fun with 3gun, but I haven’t even done that in a while. My work schedule will only improve as I gain seniority with my company, and the house repairs are getting complete. I look forward to getting back into 3gun. I also think I would really enjoy getting into some long-range type shooting. I haven’t done much of it, but it really interests me. 

    I think it’s perfectly fine and normal to go through periods of low round counts. If I shot all the time, then I wouldn’t have any ammo, lol. I still enjoy breaking out the herd and petting them every now and then.

    Maybe I’ll hit the range tomorrow with my EDC and a good bolt rifle (maybe the .243)...


  9. 1 hour ago, Shorty said:

    Does the Thermacell not spook the deer as far as smell?  I spray my clothes down with Sawyers which helps some with the mosquitos but they didn't see to care this morning.

    What @rugerla1 said.

    I have also used a Thermacell a lot in the woods. I’ve had deer walk right under my treestand and around my ground blind on many occasions with no evidence that they smell it. Of course I’ll never know about any deer that may have steered clear, lol, but I’m a true believer in it for early season mosquito control.

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  10. 10 hours ago, rugerla1 said:

    Sitting in a tree this morning, not too hot but a tad muggy and thanking the inventor of the Thermacell right now!! No movement yet but hopeful. 

    Thermacell is the best thing ever. I’m ready for a little cooler weather


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