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VoL4LiFe87 last won the day on October 3 2023

VoL4LiFe87 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About VoL4LiFe87

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  • Location
    Maryville, Tennessee
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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Established Contributor (3/5)



  1. 420rds total $500 Reduced to $450 maryville area meet
  2. Smith & Wesson 629 classic with wood grips. Will included 100rds of ammo. $1000 maryville meet
  3. Looking to buy a geissele, reptila, spurh or American defense mount in black. 30mm let me know what you have! Prefer local or shipped from established member. I’m in Maryville
  4. Looking for an EOTech Vudu. Let me know what you have and price. maryville
  5. Like new. V1, with night sights and 3 mags. $1200 maryville area meet
  6. Christensen Arms MPR 338 Lapua Bushnell Nitro 5-20x44 vortex precision rings Utg qd bipod $1850 with scope and bipod $1700 rifle only Maryville
  7. Nikon monarch 5 ED 4-20x50 Scope. Rings included. Excellent condition. $400 maryville area meet


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