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TGO David

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Posts posted by TGO David

  1. It looks pretty good on mine, but not sure if I like the holster that has to be used to carry them both together. I dont really care for the strap around the back of the gun.

    My M3X light stays at home, in the night stand. When my XD45 goes into the nightstand at bed time, the light goes onto it. When it comes out in the morning to go with me, the light comes off.

    I don't and wouldn't imagine I'd want to carry the gun with the light on it all the time. We all already try to find the most ergonomic means of carrying our sidearms concealed. Adding a light to the mix just reduces your options of comfortable carry even more, unless you're carrying openly.

    I have a Surefire G2 that I drop into a coat pocket if I'm going to be out and about at night.

  2. You can rest assured that the anti-gun crowd will tout this as yet more "evidence" that guns need to be banned from society and the 2nd amendment struck from the books.

    I'm eagerly awaiting that speech from one of the resident flower children here at my office. She knows that I'm pro-gun and generally likes to use incidents like this to come joust with the windmill. :confused:

  3. I noticed that Matt Lauer pointedly referred to this as "gun violence" several times during this morning's episode of the Today show, and then lead into a report of another incident in Pennsylvania as "yet more gun violence".

    Agenda, much?

    PS: Stuff like this one more reason why I carry. I don't want my survival depending on the ability to hide in a closet, praying that the bad guy doesn't find me.

  4. I really wish Springfield would release an XD40 Compact similar to what they did with the XD45. It should have a standard 4" slide but have the shorter grip of the XD45 Compact. I think that would be a winner and I'd be all over it like white on rice. :D

    Glock's new 21SF really intrigues me too but I guess it doesn't count in this instance since they are reportedly going to production with it.

    What other guns do you wish the various manufacturers would make?

  5. Technically, their signs do not conform to the law, so if you want to carry, carry.


    Please note that the sign must contain the exact lettering you see on that site in the correct size to be legal. It may seem like just a technicality, but it's there for a reason.

    Yep. We had to visit an outpatient surgery center in a particularly shady part of town last week. They had a decal on the window that said "NO WEAPONS ALLOWED". That's all. Nothing else. I sat beneath that sign for over two hours with the XD nestled snugly up to my ribs, beneath my sweat shirt.

    Not only was their sign not in accordance to the law, but I didn't notice any metal detectors as I came into or exited the building.

    The other thing is, I don't know too many criminal thugs who will let a little technicality like a sticker or a sign stop them from coming into a building either. Those signs just tell them that they have a moderately good chance that no one inside is going to be armed.

    Well, almost no one.

    PS: I realize that a lot of gun owners are also fans of property rights. My only response there is that your rights end where mine begin, and I have the right to stay alive.

  6. I thought most ranges had a No draw from holster rule. I know around here they do, but if the range is empty they don't mind as much as when it is busy.

    The range I go to doesn't have any such rules posted at least. I've seen plenty of police officers in there practicing drawing and shooting, some of whom really needed to practice more on their aiming as evidenced by the number of shots put into the ceiling (downrange) or the target trolleys. :rock:


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