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Posts posted by Glenn

  1. Know Garufa hit the last one. 3rd shot, not bad. ;)
    So Glenn hit the big one with his Mosin, eh? I checked out the scope on that old baby, shot one round, can't believe how clear it was to be so old.
    - OS

    Hey, 1 shot, 1 hit, and at 200 yards. No one was more surprised than me
  2. How about turning the soap box over to these past presidents for a quote:

    "When the people fear their government there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." – Thomas Jefferson

    “The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed, which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” – James Madison

    “Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.” – George Washington

    Now, who are you going to believe?

    :rofl: I am shocked that you don't believe Barack over Jefferson, Madison, and Washington  :rolleyes:

  3. I went to the South Knoxville Walmart yesterday at 8 am. nothing in the case. Asked the man behind the counter if he had any to put out. He said what are you looking for. I said .223. No don't have that. I said .22lr, he said no don't have that. I said well what do you have? Again what are you looking for? What about 357? Yes got a couple of boxes. When he opened the cabinet under the counter there were quite a few boxes in there. Ended up with 2 boxes of 357 and a 100 round white box of 9mm. Seems he wasn't going to give me a chance to buy just whatever he had, I was going to have to ask for it. so just because the case is empty, don't give up without asking.

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  4. I haven't found anything at the south Knoxville Wally in months. If I go in the afternoon, it's "oh it sells out by 9." if I go at 8 am it's "we didn't get anything in" I am tempted to offer a bribe. It would be cheaper than constantly going there to look.
  5. went to Norris this morning to shoot my Mosin Sniper. I was able to hit clay pigeons  pretty consistently  at 100 yards with regular surplus ammo but seemed to be all over the place at 200 yards. I recently got a can of supposedly Russian target ammo so opened it. It is packed in cardboard boxes and is brass colored instead of the reddish color of the military stuff I have. After a few shots to adjust to a slightly different point of impact, I was able to shoot the 5 shots closest to the center of this.



    I know this is not great shooting, but it is for me. I also broke 5 out of 5 clay pigeons. When I went out to retrieve this target I was feeling pretty good, walking back to the benches and talking to another shooter. When we were about 80 yards out a guy who was sighting  in a 22 let loose with a shot. He said sorry, I didn't see you. I guess he didn't look cause I am hard not to see. I am surprised how calm I stayed.


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