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Posts posted by jeremy155rr

  1. come on, anybody? :)

    Pilgrim Films & Television - The largest reality television production company in Los Angeles, CA

    You Could Win $100,000 in Prizes !!!

    If you are skilled with a pistol, rifle or any other firearm, you could win $100,000 in prizes on History Channel’s hit marksmanship competition show, TOP SHOT. Producers are looking for anyone with mind-blowing shooting skills and a big personality to take on exciting physical challenges with multiple guns and mystery projectile weapons.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a professionally trained shooter or a self-taught average Joe (or Jane!). As long as you’re in good physical shape, have mastered a firearm and can adapt to new weapons and demanding physical situations, you could be America’s next “Top Shot.â€

  2. I actually know a handfull of people that like this movie so i'm sure it will offend some....but 'There Will Be Blood' is the worst movie that i've bought in recent years, I thought it was aweful. I've owned worse and probably own worse but its the best I can come up with right now.

  3. Glock charges around $57 for their night sights and after paying for shipping and the hassle of waiting it would probably be more expensive than having it done somewhere. Call Craigs Fireamrs Supply and see if they have glock factory night sights (they'd be your best bet locally) and you might be out 60-80 bucks. Craig's Firearm Supply, Inc. Police Distributors

    *i've also heard that glocks night sights were nice and bright and that alot of people like them but i've never used them.

  4. hmm, I use umc almost exclusively because I can get it cheaper, about as cheap as 5 boxes of federal wal-mart ammo. I know they are shorter, I've compared to wwb and federal and they are shorter, but none of them ever appeared as bad as the ones in your pics. Are all of those pics of bullets you attempted to chamber? Have you shot the pf-9 very much, that was one of the original recall issues that the feed ramp was too flat/steep. Didn't know if you just bought it used or something and may have had the original/older style feed ramp. I used to be skeptical because of the difference in length but they have always shot well. IMO they weren't as hot as wwb and i've pulled alot of bulged cases and crooked bullets out of federal boxes so I stayed with umc. Either way that looks bad, give them a call and e-mail them pics and see what they can do for you. The second to last one on the right looks scary.

  5. You know, thats one thing I miss about the 'old' was that it said; there have been 125 posts since your last visit. And that was a link in itself. But to answer your question if you reply to something that makes it not new anymore, unless someone replies to your post then it should be in the What's New etc... I hope thats what you were talking about.

  6. if your 'led sled' is good and stable and has straps you could always take the scope off, take a shot with the irons at say 25yd and with the same poa put your scope back on and dial it to the shot placement and that would 'roughly' get your poi at least on paper to be fine tuned. May not be the most proficient means of accomplishing this but i've done something similar a few times.

  7. Why do I want one of these??

    because your a guy and you have seen T2 and zombieland and may have played modern warfare 2 and because its just awesome!

    *the winchester 87's in T2 and modern warfare 2 are shotguns, sorry about that... however woody did wield a mares leg in zombieland!

  8. My daughter (11) and I are home alone for a few days while mom is out of town with the boys, so tonight after I treated her to her favorite milkshake from DQ she watched the show with me.....about half way through it she says "Dad I thought you said it was a shooting show, it seems more like Big Brother with guns"

    ahhhhh from the mouths of babes.

    FWIW I am kinda pulling for Caleb (sp?) as he has written a few articles for the USCCA magazine that I get, no other reason.

    The old rifles new week should be fun.

    he also has a internet radio show, Gun Nuts Radio | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio and a website, Gun Nuts Media, Gun Nuts: The Next Generation

  9. Ill always be posting my thoughts about the episode right after I watch.

    I have to ask, why was Jim even there? Has she shot anything well? In practice, it looked like he had the ar on top of his shoulder. And during the competition, he was holding the bottom of the magazine. WTF?

    He's accumulated quite a collection of awards from camp perry and even if he doesn't reguarly compete with the ar there are alot of them that do shoot that way. Not saying I was rooting for him or anything...just sayin

  10. I think the next episode will shed some light when JJ and Blake outshoot everybody including the career military Andre and 'rifle expert' Kelly with the AR. Of course this is based off the preview of the next episode and Kelly wasn't hitting anything but air. Hopefully it'll be a good one, but I keep getting let down with the amount of shooting done. I really don't understand the show that much, I mean each episode is 3 days: blue team practice/red team practice, competition, elimination. Not only could they show alot more shooting and make it interesting but what the crap do they do the other 4 days of the week.


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